[KHR] Christmas Lights

Dec 10, 2009 01:30

One- hundred word drabbles as my early/late Christmas presents to people on my f-list before I disappear off the face of the Internet for the week Christmas falls on.

Drabble Recipient: charpieinuse
Selected Prompt: Green #6
Genre: General/Humor
Characters: Joushima Ken & Chrome Dokuro (+ Kakimoto Chikusa because they're like a "buy two, take one" package deal. XDDD;;)

Christmas Lights

“HEY YOU! What did you do to our place?!” Ken gaped at their hideout, one of his lower eyelids twitching.

“I… It’s Christmas so I thought it would be nice to celebr-”

“There’s blinking rainbows everywhere, pyon!” He screeched and tried shielding his eyes from the lights. (Was he in one of his nocturnal animal modes again?)

“This place has been long abandoned. Where did you get the electricity for all this?” Chikusa asked her monotonously while Ken continued to complain. (“I’m seeing weird colored spots everywhere, pyon!”)

Chrome sighed then ended her illusions for a festive Christmas.

A/N: Staring at bright colored lights will make you see negative color after-images, Ken. Chrome (the poor, innocent sweetheart of a little girl) isn't trying to blind you on purpose. (=_=;;)
The drabble title is the prompt you picked from my secret prompt table, charpieinuse. XD

khr: joushima ken, rating: k, @present, khr: chrome dokuro, khr: kakimoto chikusa

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