*facepalm* I can't believe I'm posting this ... Love Boat: SGA

Jan 02, 2009 22:52

For many reasons, the inklets and I were perusing clips of ancient culture (aka "surfing YouTube for 70s and 80s TV show themes) and saw the opening to The Love Boat. Of course, any good explanation for the young 'uns has to connect back to things they already know, right?

So here's Love Boat: SGA. *facepalm* I'm sooooo ashamed.

The Love Boat, as cast by some of our friends in SGA:

Captain Stubbing - Elizabeth Weir, nodding and smiling or even looking concerned at the appropriate times, occasionally doling out fatherly advice. Probably capable of actually captaining his ship through choppy waters but we don't get nearly enough opportunities to see his part of those times as canon is always distracted by the other characters. He is fond of his crew, even when they exasperate him.

Doc - At first I'd said Carson or even Jennifer (particularly the latter with the whole potential serial-relationship thingie in the last two seasons) but I'm revising that to Rodney, because Doc's the guy who saves lives when lives are on the line.

Gopher - So so obviously Radek that I'm not going to bother explaining. *g*

Issac - Teyla, because he's a bartender and bartenders are supposed to be great at listening to other people and helping them help themselves to solve their own problems. In his own way, he's a diplomat.

[Clarification/note: which leads me to wonder, is this a "function" that gets assigned to roles 'granted' to people of colour all the time or simply a coincidence? I share a lot (many? all?) of the frustrations SGA fans have noted about the composition of canon characters, particularly given the "international" aspects of the expedition and the RL-aspects of filming in Vancouver which has a wonderful diversity of people, culture, etc.]

Vicki - I'll be damned if I can remember anything about her other than some general vague sense of 1970s-appropriate teenaged angst and probably some batted eyelashes. Would it be fair to assign this to Carson, at least the S1 Hoff-Carson? *batts woobie eyelashes as a test-run*

Julie - John, because she has to ensure the guests have fun with different activities. John's the gal planning pierside golf, scoping potential surfing sites, and pushing guys off balconies (okay, so that one was in conjunction with Doc).

These are all the characters I've seen credited, and I had to watch a ridiculous number of YouTube editions to get that [in this case, ridiculous=anything >1].

Additions, deletions, corrections?

humour, au, sga, crack, stray thoughts

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