Many of you probably know this already, but just in case you missed it, Amazon is doing some pretty shady things in the world of POD printing.
Amazon (bookseller) makes POD-power grab ...
Those of you already using POD-technology publishers are probably aware of Amazon’s recent demands that publishers use their own in-house printer, one that is apparently already well-known for producing poor-quality books.
The tale is long and twisty and most certainly not settled (as of this post).
article that broke the story (March 27, 2008)
Amazon BookSurge Information Clearinghouse (site that collects posts on this issue, updated regularly)
I won’t even pretend to have slogged through all these posts but the upshot is lower profits for authors, limited or no quality-control for the final product, and potentially very unhappy readers, not to mention already very unhappy writers.