I need to rant. I really do.
So yeah, I use my iPod for audiobooks, most particularly SGA audiobooks.
Would it be so $%#$#! difficult for iTunes to make database fields that made sense? I mean, sheesh.
I freely admit I don’t know a whole lot about music and the jargon and nuances thereof. But since I can’t change any fields on the stupid iTunes interface (and don’t even GET me started on the fairly low usability aspects of this damn interface in the first place), would it be so hard for the default fields to autofill from a file in some sort of logical manner?
It seems logical to me that the author of an audiobook would be the ‘composer’, the reader of an audiobook would be the ‘artist’ (of the spoken book), and the cover artist would be the ‘album artist’. Every audiobook I’ve imported has these all mixed around one way or another. On top of that, my iPod (Touch) only shows one line of info about the audiobook (in addition to coverart), so I either combine the reader/author info into one field or I have to choose between the author OR the reader.
Frankly, I like to know both ... sometimes it isn’t the story so much as the reader I want to hear, sometimes vice-versa. I know, I know - freakishly OCD on my part but really, this annoys the hell out of me.
And I’m not sure which idiot programmer thought it was a brilliant idea to copy every last damned bit of stuff into hidden ‘music’ folders - this is not typical behaviour for a Mac application and frankly, I’m damn pissed off that it took me this long to figure out where my hard drive space was mysteriously disappearing to.
Until iTunes, I considered myself a pretty capable multi-platform computer user. Now? I consider myself a pretty capable multi-platform user who loathes iTunes, but likes the iPod too much to give it up.