Food Glorious Food

Jun 24, 2012 13:55

For the past three weeks I've been receiving an organic veg box delivery at the office from Riverford. I used to get deliveries from them before I moved aboard the boat and thought I'd trial run having them come to the office. So far it's worked out really well but I can foresee problems if I ever have plans to go out straight from the office especially as the box is delivered on Fridays.

They now offer meat as well as veg so I get a mixed box which has seen me not really needing to top up grocery shop for the past few weeks and I have been loving the new flavours and recipes this has allowed me to explore.

From thai meatball curry (thickened with crushed almond so not for the dieter) to crushed broad been bruschetta, there hasn't been a dull moment really.

On the home grown front, this year's experiment has been Bright Lights Swiss Chard, they are tiny seedlings at the moment but I can clearly see that they are multicoloured and hopefully they look and taste stunning when grown to maturity. I have also been lucky enough to harvest 4 or 5 strawberries with more in the pot this season. Constant endless rain has been giving most everything else a hard time. The lettuce is struggling on but isn't maturing as fast as it should be because it's sitting in patty field style water logged soil a lot of the time.

For anyone else out there shopping at farmers markets or receiving veg boxes, I highly recommend this recipe for carrot top tabbouleh.

garden, food

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