I've been uploading dozens of old photos I brought back from Australia as not only would I like to get them online to share with the various suspects in them, I also wanted to present the other aspects of my life to the people I've met since I've been on the road and those I've met primarily online. It's been quite an emotional journey as like everyone, I've changed a lot over the years. Internally more than externally.
The weather is really dragging me down at the moment. I'm not yet prepared for the end of summer and the cold, grey, damp drizzle which has set in. It makes life more of a chore than it needs to be and allows the cat to tramp mud through the house in my absence.
Most of my online time is now spent at
Twitter which is exactly the sort of short, sharp witty banter I need on the massive commutes I'm currently undertaking and is easy enough to play with on the iPhone. I still haven't caved in to a wireless internet dongle for home although I've come close lately. The longer I can hold off on that the better I'll be as any of the spare time I now spend reading, gardening or knitting will be consumed with 'dicking around online'.
Big summer BBQ and camp out happened a couple of weekends ago. It was nice to catch up with all of those people I met there last year and even nicer because I craftily positioned myself to be in the area and brought the boat down rather than set the tent up! I drove my house to a party, beat that land lubbers.
Things to look forward to? Winter sun holiday to Zanzibar in the works and the second Eastern European ski trip is on the cards (Slovakia this time). So little time, so many holidays etc.