English Summer Rain, Seems to Last For Ages

Jun 07, 2009 13:03

Having just dodged a torrential downpour after farewelling the lovely lizmopuddy back to Ireland having met with her for a quick brunch (she was in London for a Hen Do), I almost titled this post Stormy Weather. I am dog tired from having been rudely awaken by the loudest, longest and most violent storm I've ever heard in London these last ten years. When I eventually did get back to sleep I was plagued by nightmares of being swept down the canal in a flood. Thankfully my nightmares didn't come true and the sun is actually shining on and off but really, enough of the wet stuff now please.

So, my life rumbles on at a steady pace and I'm looking at the possibility of my temp job dissolving at the end of July. I'm trying to batten down the financial hatches and look positively toward a solvent future. Should be okay but time will tell. Did ace DIY repair work on gas pipe of my boat with a jubilee clip which may have revolutionsed life as I know it. Who knew such a useful piece of kit existed? If I manage not to blow myself and my boat up with this repair, I will be applying jubilee clips to every leak based problem I have in the future.

Friday night we welcomed fechtbuch into that elite but growing circle of 'those of us who have suffered or have faced a redundancy threat' during the Global Financial Crisis™. We met at our old new favourite pub but didnt' stay the whole course there because a wave of revulsion washed over as the cricket at Lords ended and the upper middle classes breezed in with their air of entitlement and essence of competitive. I can't quite put my finger on why I instantly hated them on a visceral and tangible level but I really did. A good night was had after we engaged in some posh dodging and found another pub.

Alex and Don were entertaining the worlds most relaxed police officer when I arrived on Saturday night for 'the usual'. Apparently D had witnessed a break in and assault on the downstairs flat and was acting as a witness. It was all a bit bizarre and exciting and somewhat out of the norm for our usual quite Saturday soiree heh. I rounded the night out by making them watch an episode of Big Brother for which Alex is probably still in trauma councilling for.

Scored bottle of champagne in thanks for helping out at glamorous press party at Somerset House which basically had me being paid to drink champagne anyway. I think this is called a win, win, win situation.

Due to be a great aunt any day now.

The junky prostitute songs on my previous entry are some of my favourite tunes ever so I'm mildly fugged off with nobody coming to love them like I do LOL! To punish you further, I'm including Gay EMO with this entry.

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redundancy, boat, work, television, friends

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