A note on intentionality

May 18, 2009 21:18

Intentionality as defined on dictionary.com: (adj.) done with intention or on purpose; intended: an intentional insult.

Intentionality is something I've thought a lot about, both directly and indirectly, and in different contexts with in these last six months or so. One context is my relationships with others and my personality.

I recently took a strength finder test as a part of my training for my trip this summer and one of the attributes it noted on was that I am what they call a Relator. "the Relator theme pulls you toward people you already know...you derive a great deal of pleasure and strength from being around your close friends. You are comfortable with intimacy. Once the initial connection has been made, you deliberately encourage a deepening of the relationship..."
The part in italics is something that I've found both troublesome and beneficial. I've made some of the best friends that way, but other people tend to shy away. I see this as intentionality because I do it with the purpose of getting to know them, thought it is not consciously intended. I have also lost a few relationships because of this attribute. Though I rarely ask questions that are set up for me, I like to know what makes someone tick. Nate said to me the other day, "It's a little creepy how interested you are in those around you." And I totally see where he's coming from, but I don't follow them around or anything - I just watch them while their in front of me. ;) But right now I'm realizing that I can't be intentional with certain people. and since that is such a big part of me, I am going to sever those ties. I'm sorry but when I'm truly trying to be your/their friend it hurts too much. There are too many old, bittersweet, and painful memories there.

The other context where intentionality has been in my life lately is in my faith walk. For so long I've been telling myself and others that I'm intentionally asking God what's next. But I really have been doing the opposite, intentionally running the other way. This summer though I'm asking my India teammates to hold me accountable not for just being intentional with them but also with God and in figuring this faith thing out.

Right now, I'm intentionally avoiding homework. So, I should go.

faith, god, deputation, boys, homework, intentionality, nate, summer, india

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