oooOOOoooh, fun little survey!

Apr 21, 2006 12:22

And, jacked from Kat, What are your Favorites when you're Drunk???

1. What is your favorite food?
Oh dear, usually I would say any kind of breakfast food or a grilled cheese sandwich, but over the past few months I've been looooving the frozen tater tots you can get at the grocery store OR Arbys roast beef. As far as hungover though, I crave McDonalds cheeseburgers hardcore. I try and not even let myself leave the house when that's the case. Lol.

2. What is your favorite drink?
I always go for anything vokda-ish. Used to only be Absolute and tonics, but I've been branching out so I don't get too bored with it.

3.What is your favorite shot?
Oh god. Mels almost made me want to never do shots again. Working there we did at least 10 shots a night. Yeah. It was bad. Since my gag reflex doesn't like red bull shots as much anymore I usually go for tequilla (Patron, preferably).

4. What is your favorite drinking game?
Definitely bar dice. So much fun.

5. What is your favorite song?
Any song that brings back great memories. And yes, I will probably start singing along.

6.What is your favorite bar?
Definitely used to be Mels, even though it's not the best or coolest bar ever, everyone was great and I got free drinks for a while after I quit. Now...hmm. I enjoy the Riverhorse ok, but I get into shananigans at Taylor and Dunns because my friend is the co-owner.

7. Who is your favorite person?
Michelle, definitely. She's f*ing awesome.

8. Who do you drunk dial the most?
I actually usually misplace my phone when I'm drunk, so nobody. Lol.

9. Who is usually driving?
Matt, as of recently.

10.Where do you go when the bars close?
I haven't done any after-bar-ing in a long time, but when I do, Ma Fischers or Webb's.

When you are hung over...

1. What is your favorite food?
McDonalds cheeseburgers (plain of course)

2. What is your favorite drink?
Sprite, fo sho. And agua!

3. Who do you call to spend your hang over with?
Haha, Matt's usually here and suffering with me.

4. What do you do about that guy/girl you woke up next to?
Cuddle :).

5. How do you spend your day when hung over?
I usually sit in front of the tv wrapped up in a big comfy blanket and don't say a word for hours. Lol.

6.How many advil do you take the next morning?
At least 3.

7. What is your favorite spot?
The couch. That way if you can't sleep and you're bored you can just zone out in front of the tube.

8. What is your favorite song/music?
Usually nothing for a while, til the head ache dies down, but Sheryl Crow is nice at that time.

9. How long do you wait before you start again?
Depends on how bad it was. Usually I'm fine by the next night.

10. Do you make yourself puke to feel better, or do you go with the hair of the dog?
I can't make myself puke unfortunately. I keep pulling my tounge (owie!), but there've been two times when it happened on it's own. Sigh.
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