finally watched the last two battlestar galactica episodes of the season last night.
i got this sinking feeling as colonel tigh and the others started reciting lines to
the song. um, cylons controlled by ... dylan? then apollo came around the corner in his pretty court suit, and said, "hey, we've got a shark on dradis. guess i'll hop in my viper and jump over it!"
i've trusted TPTB on bsg in the past, but lately, it seems they'd lost their way a bit. (
billy! the disturbing love rectangle!) on the other hand, they've given us
cool cats bill and laura, and bless 'em,
callum keith rennie, so there may be hope yet.
in other news, i'm totally obsessed with OK Go's song invincible. every time i listen to it on my ipod, i think of it in vid form for another fandom. i mean, seriously, how can you resist the opening lines - when they finally come to destroy the earth, they'll have to go through you first. i bet they won't be expecting that.
apparently, many others are similarly obsessed. captain jack in
torchwood, buffy in
buffy, claire bennet in
heroes, aragorn in
superman, of course, and yes, even dwight shrute in
the office, which was really fun... and ahaha!
harry potter AND
severus snape! i was really looking for one for the doctor in doctor who that i liked, but no luck yet.
and in case you're not sick of the song yet, here's the actual
ok go video.