Podfic: Cakewalk by Busaikko

Apr 11, 2012 20:32

Title: Cakewalk
Author: busaikko
Fandom: Stargate: Atlantis
Pairing: Gen
Summary: Rodney wanted John's first mission after his return from Earth to go well. It didn't.
Duration: 27:11 minutes | Size: 25 MB (mp3), 12.8 MB (m4b) | Format: mp3, m4b, streaming

Download: MP3 file | M4B audiobook


Reader's notes: I recorded this podfic for
podfic_lover as a part of the Fandom Supports Scarleteen Auction at
scarleteenfans. Thank you for your donation and your patience and apologies for the delay! I hadn't read this story and really enjoyed getting to spend some quality time with my old friend Rodney McKay. This'll also be my fill for the "Read Quickly" square on my podfic bingo card, because phew, reading from Rodney's point of view leaves me breathless and with twice as much editing as normal from tripping over my tongue. ♥ Rodney forever.

This entry was originally posted at http://inkjunket.dreamwidth.org/40104.html. There are currently
comments there.

i made this, podfic, sga

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