Fic meme day 17: Martha > everyone

Nov 06, 2011 16:54

Day 17. A fic that holds a lot of meaning to you

My brain immediately went "meaning = gen + Doctor Who," so here's my rec:

Seems Far From Home, Seems Farther From You by girl_wonder
Doctor Who / SGA crossover, gen, character study of Martha Jones

Afterwards, it seemed almost anticlimactic to take her exams and actually start working in a hospital.

This is a story that looks at Martha after the year that wasn't, how she's changed, what it's like to be on earth without the Doctor and having survived the apocalypse in a world that doesn't remember it. She ends up in Atlantis, but that's just the icing on the cake for this deliciousness. The reason I'd say it has meaning for me is that I love Martha, and I always wanted to see what she was like after that year, after being the woman who saved the world... and this captures that tone and feeling perfectly. Plus bonus going for a run with Ronon.

I also highly, highly recommend the podfic by reena_jenkins. She gets the post-apocalypse Martha tone just right.

A favorite vid that captures Martha's awesomeness (and inspired today's subject): Shut Up and Drive by laurashapiro

the rest of the meme

Day 01. A fic with a great opening
Day 02. A favorite new fic (posted in the last few weeks)
Day 03. A long-standing favorite fic
Day 04. A fic that you wish more people would read
Day 05. A fic you weren't sure you'd like but ended up loving
Day 06. A guilty pleasure fic
Day 07. A fic with a wonderful kiss
Day 08. A fic you plan on reading (old or new)
Day 09. A fic that makes you happy
Day 10. A fic that reminds you of someone
Day 11. A fic that changed your perceptions of the characters
Day 12. A fic with excellent banter
Day 13. A fic you liked when you were younger
Day 14. A fic that breaks your heart
Day 15. A fic you've read more than 5 times
Day 16. A fic people wouldn’t expect you to like
Day 17. A fic that holds a lot of meaning to you
Day 18. A remix fic you like
Day 19. A fic that makes you laugh
Day 20. A fic by one of your favorite authors
Day 21. A fic currently stuck in your head
Day 22. A fic you won't read late at night
Day 23. A favourite short fic (> 300 words)
Day 24. One of the first fanfics you read
Day 25. A fic you wish you'd never read
Day 26. A fic with a great OC
Day 27. A fic that spawned an inside joke
Day 28. A fic with a pairing you never thought you'd read
Day 29. A fic that turns you on
Day 30. A fic with a great ending

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fic meme, rec, doctorwho, sga, crossover

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