Manga: Legend of Thor

Mar 15, 2012 15:05

Legend of Thor is a severely underrated manga. It has all the trappings of a typical fantasy action manga (and that of an RPG too, come to think of it) but nevertheless manages to surprise. Thor's older brother, Loki, leaves their smithy home in search for the adventure that Thor isn't interested in. Thor stays home and bashes in metal with their insanely built father. Who actually goes on adventures these days when there's a living to be made?

There is always a "however." Loki doesn't come home, and they one day receive news from a mercenary that he died in action. He gives Loki's journal to Thor, who... believes his brother isn't dead. The manga follows Thor's runaway journey to find the brother he believes is alive and needs help. On the way, he nabs his father's best weapons, crosses from the peaceful countryside into vicious civilization, and meets two experienced mercenaries who become his posse.

What really makes this manga shine are the characters and the depiction of the lives they lead. Thor is refreshingly stupid without being a complete idiot, and brutality of the world he enters gives a whole new meaning to "real life." No one is "graded on a curve" when there's a sheer drop-off to be met. His friends (or posse) are interesting characters themselves, as they each have their own personal tragedies and triumphs. Even the background characters have history. For instance, a man who foolishly hits the guide he has hired for a dangerous forest meets his comeuppance. As his fellow team members (also cruel to the guide) get eaten by carnivorous plants from the inside and outside, he promptly becomes the meal of a huge monster. The guide delivers some words of wisdom: never bite the hand that leads you.

All in all, I rate this manga 10/10.

Edit: Okay, so this series ended. I'd now rate it 7/10, if only because it had so much potential, but belly-flopped with a rushed ending.

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