Title: pour yourself over me
Fandom: VIXX (AU,
Pairing: Ken/Leo, implied Ravi/Hongbin
Word count: 3,208
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Jaehwan turned and suddenly found himself looking up into Leo’s stony face. He’d moved from behind Jaehwan into his line of sight merely so he could glare at him, his eyes flashing just a little.
A/N: walks into the desert and buries myself in the sand. what is this. i am so ashamed of this. like seriously i can't apologise enough for what i have done with this fic. yes this au now includes vixx. sHRUGS I'VE NEVER WRITTEN VIXX BEFORE I DIDN'T EXPECT MY FIRST FIC TO BE IN FUCKTOY AU.
Warnings: General BDSM themes, D/s. This is kinkfic, an AU with master/slave relationships. If this upsets or triggers you in any way, please do not read.
He pulled at the material at Leo’s chest, tugging to reveal the smooth skin of his shoulder.)
***the cut text is a link that will take you to ao3.