Title: incarnadine (18/?)
Fandom: VIXX
Pairing: n/leo, hyuk/ken, hongbin/ravi
Word count: 8,548
Rating: R
Summary: Taekwoon had always found the adaptability of humans amazing, though he’d never found himself to be the best at it. And he’d never thought he’d be able to live this way, with a silent heart and blood in his mouth. (Or the one in which Taekwoon is the hunter, and Hakyeon is the monster).
A/N: I'M ALIVE i'm sorry this chapter took so long to get out, there are Reasons but i'll save those for later. mostly i want to thank all y'all for patiently waiting and to say that i hope this chapter is at least somewhat worth the wait even tho it is short v__v
It was all so much, and he was so frightened )
***the cut text is a link that will take you to ao3.