70 Harvard students KILLED in blast

Jan 17, 2007 08:13

Some of the nation's best and brightest, gone.

If you aren't in college, you probably have been, or know somebody who has.

While our soldiers are dying in slow, steady streams, the youth of another nation is being splattered all over Baghdad, too.

Yeah, I lied in the subject line...but it meant more to you that way, didn't it? Can you imagine the blow this is to at least 70 families in Iraq?

This is just stupid.

And why do I have to learn this from a Canadian site?

Should I have used another university's name? Is Harvard too elite? I was trying to figure what the equivalent would be to this Baghdad university.

People are fighting and dying over education around the world, and our youth mostly views it with disdain.

Totally awesome.
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