Lassi Saressalo "Ingeri- Jutustus Ingerimaa rahvastest ja kutluurist"

Apr 24, 2009 01:14

Saressalo, Lassi "Ingeri: Jutustus Ingerimaa rahvastest ja kultuurist", Tampere muuseumide väljaanne 56, Tampere 2000;

ISBN 951-609-128-8 (soome 951-609-127-x) (vene 951-609-129-6)
ISSN 1237-5276

Tegemist on lühikese kuid väga hea kokkuvõttega Ingerimaa ajaloost, sealsest etnilisest pildist ja ingerisoomlaste ajaloost ning tänapäeva seisust. Brohüüris on alla 60 leheküljeline ja sellest on nii eesti keelne kui ka soome keelne variant olemas.

Saressalo, Lassi "Inkeri: kertomus Inkerin kansoista ja kulttuureista" , Tampere: [Tampereen museot], 2000

ISBN 951-609-128-8 (Finnish 951-609-127-x) (Russian 951-609-129-6)
ISSN 1237-5276

The book brocure contains a short but very good summary of the history of Ingermanland, the ethnic overview of the place, and the history of Ingerin-Finns and of their situation nowdays. The booklet has less than 60 pages and there are editions in Estonian and in Finnish of it.

Looking at the ISBN codes, perhaps it is out even in Russian, though I have seen only the Finnish and Estonian one myself.

эстоноязычная литература, ингро-финны, история

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