Dec 06, 2004 23:22
Life sucks sometime. I just found out the other day that I'm going to be alone for a little over a year. My mom is in the naval researve and she got activated. She's going to be sent to the Iraq-Kuwait border. She's leaving december 10 and she'll begone for a year or longer. She won't see me graduate or start college or any of that stuff.. It'll be like hapy birthday Mike, see you ina yearor so and then she'll be gone. I am going to have to start paying the bills when I am home and stuff. Because I go to school at ASMS and my step dad works off shore most of the year there isn't going to be anyone at home to watch my animals so I am going to have to give them away. It's gonnabe tough specially withmy dog, I've hadhim since I was in second grade and one of my cats since I was in kindergarten. My houses going to be lonely and empty. Sure I'm gong to get my license out of the deal but right now that doesn't really matter. This blows cause I never really deal with my own problems I keep them to myself and listen to my friend's problemsand make them laugh and feel better regarless of what I am going through. I hate looking weak in front of people and I don't like not being in control of things. I'm gonna be alone and it's alot to handle all at once. Sucks to be me right now.