Aug 30, 2006 16:52
i had curriculum night at mauras first grade last night.
talked to her teacher about issues-our family situation, the no sweets rule, the milk in the cafeteria(they have bottled water and even though she gets free lunch she would have to pay for it-but gross milk is free? fucked up world-so i sent a sports bottle to fill with water for every lunch.) and i asked how maura is doing school wise.
she loves her! she said maura is exactly the kind of student teachers love to have-shes patient and kind and helpful to her friends and always has her hands up and does everything on time! she said she can tell she really loevs learning and reading and is a great kid. yay!
she also talked about the healthy food subject to the class and she used the analogy i told her before school started(meet the teacher night) they had little bags with pencils and paper and stuff and there was a smarties candy in there-maura said-oh mom, theres candy in my bag and i told her to tell the teacher what we say about candy-and she told her shes not allowed to have candy and maura told her she learned that ALL food is brain food-some food like broccoli makes your brain smarter but food like candy makes your brain dumber. so i guess teacher thought that was a great way to explain things to her class and everyone 'got' it more easily because they one of the friends in class does it taht way-im shite at explaining this so i hope everyone gets what im tryign to conevy. @@ so anyway maura rocks and is doing really well in school-we did away with the tv and are spending even more time reading every day-and im starting to really concentrate on miette-my goal is to have her ready for kindergarten for next fall instead of two years form now-i think it would be stupid to ahev her start kindergarten as a 6 year old.
i am still puking. doing great in school-honors comp is so easy its not even funny and my computer class im four weeks ahead of schedule because its all online and i can work as fast as i want. if i finish the class early i can start he next section of math and hopefully ic an get a few semesters of math done in one semester.
my typing is horrendous and ive already corrected half the mistakes-but im not going to finsih becausewell-im too sick to caer.
ps-we are takign te girls to their fisrt babseball game on mon the 11th-i got 6 tickets from my school-cards v/ the astros. they are excited and i hope the steep seats dont make me puke!