Best Wishes episode 5

Oct 15, 2010 04:05

The new Best Wishes episode was pretty cute.

Dent's voice... I don't know what to say. A tad deep, but very much fitting his personality~!

He's very, er, elegant.

The Gym is a... resteraunt?

Satoshi, what is an Indoor Voice?

The girls jumping up after his outburst, all blushing and sparkly-eyed at the concept of a Gym Battle... they're fangirls. ALL OF THEM.

When did they have the time to all change into cheerleader outfits?!

I love Pod's hair. But then again, haven't I always prefered redheads? xD; His expressions are funniest too! It's like Jun, on medication to make him less, er, hyperactive.

Roketto-dan continues to be veeeeery serious. A new mission from the boss! From what I could understand, it's all quite grand, but very vague...

There was some battling that was pretty fun and the animation was quite good, but not too exciting an episode, although it had some very funny moments.

Also, I gotta say that the odd new opening is growing on me.

And now, for something utterly unrelated: Dororo's Song, which is annoyingly catchy, punny, and amusingly light compared to the series itself (Dororo is so cute!).

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Yeaaaah, I fell for yet another one of Osamu Tezuka's works, go figure. ^^;

dororo, pokemon

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