I haven't used my journal in a while, so this post will pretty much sum things up

Nov 04, 2013 14:58


I anticipate feeling this way when this semester ends and I have to be tested in both blocks. Cheers to you M&E and also to you GDA!

I am grateful that mid-terms have been mercifully simple.

I also discovered I really don't need to socialize as much as I thought I did! Unfortunately, I discovered it by being terribly burnt out and becoming an unreasonably paranoid disaster, but I'm happy to report that since permanently leaving plurk, I've only had one, maybe two outbursts!

Also, whatever I was feeling, it certainly wasn't loneliness, so my solitary nature remains intact. Excellent.

My love for Angel Beats! has eaten up my life, also. I can't wait for the visual novel to come out and I don't typically play them~ I want fleshed out backstories for all those lovely minor characters that didn't get their time in the spotlight in the regrettably cut-short-due-to-executive-meddling anime. ;3;

I am both VERY PLEASED that the XY series of the Pokemon anime is so visually stunning (oh and look, they've changed the designs! Everyone's proportions have changed, Satoshi's hair is ever so slightly longer enough to cover part of his ears, okay, fingernails are now always drawn) and I do love sweet sibling relationships, so if Dent and Iris were my favourite aspect of Best Wishes!, I can confidently say Citron and Eureka will be my favourite of XY.

(Aside from the art and animation, of course.)

It's also interesting that they included a girl (Serena) who seemingly met with and was rescued by Satoshi when they were children... but only she remembers him? Well, whatever her story is, it'll be fun.

On an only slightly Serena-related note, Yayakoma/Fletchling moves like a bird and that makes me so happy~!

Reading The Alchemist right now... the last thing I read before that was bits and pieces of Kino's Journey and Catfish and Mandala before that. All the books I read lately have to do with travelling, entirely by coincidence.

The Alchemist reminds me of Kino's Journey in that it uses travel as a metaphor, but the tone is very different... and Kino's Journey isn't as well-known. It's a light novel series, only the first two volumes of which saw an official English release (the TV anime adaptation saw a full release). The Alchemist is brimming with optimism, while Kino's Journey is... very bleak. I think Kino's Journey is most like The Little Prince, though! Because the main character goes from land to land and each land's people and traditions are also just an analogy for different aspects of humanity.

Both works will leave you crying too. Probably.

the alchemist, pokemon, kino's journey

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