We got a cute fluffy duckling who my brother simply named Duck.
Very curious and pokes around everything. xDD Also, kind of an eating machine. He runs around all over the place and gets into all sorts of messes (like somehow crawling into the cloth wrapping my blanket and getting stuck in there; I guess he liked it because it was warm. FISHING THE DUCKY OUT WAS FUN. ^^;; )
We originally brought in two ducks, but the other one was weak, injured, and dying from the start and didn't last long. ;^;
This other one seems to be just fine, though!
He's kind of an eating machine, though, and I keep having to take the inedible things he finds away from him. ^^; I'm just like "NO, plastic wrappers are not food- is that a hair? Eeep, spit that out!"
When the baby took a shower two days ago, the ducky splashed around in the sink. :3 He's so clean and fluffy now!
I think he's a mallard. Buuut, I don't know for sure. So small! ^o^;