Home-made remedy for acne that's working wonderfully for me~!

Apr 13, 2012 16:40

TMI and probably more than a little bit gross, so feel free to skip!

This silly acne that's been pestering me for about a year or so now is finally going away!

We're treating in a very odd way, but the results are amazing!

So, basically, every morning, we've been grinding up a head of garlic. Eat a teaspoon full! This was repulsive to mama, but I didn't mind it much. Chase it down with water or something, though, 'cause it tends to burn.

Today, I mixed in lemon juice (from two lemons) with it, though, and the garlic cloves tasted surprisingly sweet! I think we'll have them that way from now on.

I think it works as a bit of a laxative, though, since for the first day or two that we did this, I kept running back and forth to and from the bathroom. @_@

Now, aside from that, grind up some garlic cloves (about five or so, double the number for tinier cloves), mix 'em with lemon juice (from two lemons) or vinegar.

But! If you use vinegar, the burning will be duller, but last for about four minutes, so that's kind of awful and all kinds of not fun. If you use lemon juice, the burning will be sharper, but last only for a very short time! So, I prefer lemon juice.

Burning? Oh, right, after we mix this paste, we keep it in a little container with a cotton pad. Use the cotton pad to smear the stuff all over your face (avoid the eyes!), after washing and drying your face.

It helps if you wash your face with something like Neutrogena Oil-Free Acne Wash or something first!

Yep, just leave it on your face and then add more every three hours. Before going to bed, make sure you wash it all off! Been using Clearasil cleansing wipes to make sure I got 'em all off just before going to bed.

AlhamdulilLah, my skin's finally starting to look like it used to again~~~! ♥

Worked brilliantly for me and I've just been doing this for about three days, but it miiiight not work for you.

My skin's cleared up pretty dramatically, though! Which is great, after a long time of using various products and weird home-made fixes that don't do much of anything.

...... I really don't recommend going with vinegar, though, since the results seem to be the same regardless if which you use! ^^;; Unless you have a way bigger pain tolerance than I do. I'll take sharp and fast over dull and slow, anyday!

acne, bird gives beauty tips...?

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