gizzanked from
madame_mage Five Things I was Doing 10 Years Ago
1.) I was in 9th or 10th grade at First Coast High School
2). Hanging out with all my awesome friends from school...(all of which are all married with kids now and we hardly ever talk now)
3). I got my tongue pierced for my 16th Birthday
4). Saw Marilyn Manson - Dead to the World Tour
5). Josh came to live with me and my family (that may have been 11th grade...fuck i can't remember....too many drugs in a short period of time)
kidlobotomy Five Things on My To Do List Today:
1). Take a Shower, Brush teeth, ect
2). Go to work
3). Eat Lunch
4). Play Wii Fit
5). See Twilight at Midnight
Five Snacks I Enjoy:
1). Candy! (nerds, starburst, laffy taffy, gummy bears, or anything else with tons of sugaaarr...i know it's bad I am trying to cut down)
2). Nachos (the kind from the movie theater...again a guilty pleasure of convenience)
3). Yogurt (I am trying to do this whole 'eat healthy' thing- hahah)
4). Fruit (apples, pears, watermelon ...trying to be healthy)
5). Cottage Cheese with fruit (again the healthy thing)
Five Things I Would Do If I Were a Millionaire, in no particular order:
1). I would pay off all of my families and my own debt.
2). Buy a Mansion (or atleast a huge ass house that holds all my shit)
3). Buy myself a fly ass Corvette.
4). Travel around the World.
5). Buy my Family & Friends houses and cars. (and john...geezuz)
Five Places I Have Lived:
( ...yeah I need to get out more... the rest are just places I have VISITED.)
2). Orlando, FL (I love theme parks)
3). Georgia
4). South Carolina
5). North Carolina
Five Jobs I Have Had:
1). My first job was being a cashier at McDonald's (that lasted about 2 weeks)
2). Photo Technician at Eckerd's (drug store)
3). Technical Support Represenative @ AO-HELL
4). Sales Associate at a Retail Store
5). Tattoo Artist @ Fantasy Tattoo