Title: One Hundred Words
Part: 3/3 drabbles
Warnings: angst
Rating: G
Pairings: Gackt x Hyde
Disclaimer: Gackt and Hyde are two very real people. I do not claim to know them or to understand or to own them in any way. I just wrote this for entertainment. I do not mean to imply anything by the written words and I do not mean to slight the two artists in any way. This is not a reflection of their real personalities and behaviour.
Summary: We want out. - I want him to live. - I don't want to find out.
Note: Three drabbles, connected to each other, each told from a different perspective - sort of. Each drabble is precisely 100 words long (hence the tile). The experience was quite breathtaking - to realize you got exactly what you wanted in exactly 100 words after a long period of cutting and cropping and rearranging... it's a good feeling. I loved working on these.
One Hundred Words
1. Gackt and Hyde
We all wear masks.
They change depending on whom we’re with. Friends, spouses, reporters and bandmates, they all see different versions of us.
Our masks are called Gackt and Hyde.
They are successful musicians, close friends, fascinating personalities, mysteries worth solving. They haven't confessed their feelings yet. But they push and they try and they fail every time.
Although they are persons most people would want to be we hate them. They don’t lead the lives we want them to.
We're the vulnerable beings watching their lives from behind their eyes, observing and yearning.
We are invisible.
We want out.
2. Gackt
I watch life from the darkness of my own mind.
For as long as I remember I have pretended to be Gackt Camui and have attempted to reach perfection of any kind. I might not have succeeded completely, but I keep going, keep pushing myself.
It hurts, but I need it. It helps me hold on to sanity. It’s more important than my own bleeding heart.
I despise the man looking back at me from the mirror. I wonder why he’s looking at me like that. I want to mess him up and shake him.
I want him to live.
3. Hyde
I want to be free, I want to live. But do I want to let go? Do I want to pay the price? I’m bending myself, and though it hurts and causes damage, I manage.
The question is, could I stretch once I let go - or would I snap?
I walk a clear, safe path, yet I yearn to stray into the surrounding mists.
Going there would change who I have been for many years.
I’m scared of what might happen to me.
I don’t know what monsters might lurk behind my eyes.
I don’t want to find out.