[Fanfiction] Moon Children Chronicles 06

Aug 04, 2010 00:48

Title: Moon Children Chronicles 06: White Lie
Warnings: fluff-fest
Rating: G
Characters: Kei, Sho
Disclaimer: The movie Moonchild and its characters are sole property of their creators. I have no rights to them whatsoever. This story merely borrows them. I make no money with this story.
Note: All Parts of the MCC-series are standalones and can be read seperately.

Summary: Not all lies are bad. Some of them can help two souls connect.

MCC 01: Calamity
MCC 02: Treasure
MCC03: Candles
MCC 04: Farewell
MCC 05: Hero

Moon Children Chronicles

Part 06: White Lie


He had trapped himself in a little white lie and he didn't mind one bit.

Kei was feeling pleasantly drowsy. Some time ago they had bought a new bed, and while it was constantly crammed with the four of them using it, it was at least way more comfortable than the old couch they had before. Besides, during daylight hours he tended to have the bed to himself anyway, and the children didn't mind draping themselves all over him at night whenever he happened not to leave the bed in time.

Tonight was one of the rare occasions where he was still in bed with them willingly. The children needed to sleep, and Sho had demanded Kei join them. So for the time being they had taken their nightly ritual to the fluffy place between pillows and blankets and dreams. Usually they started earlier, but feeding had delayed their ritual this time.

Just half an hour each night. It had been enough for Shinji and Toshi, but Sho needed more time. So while the other two were already fast asleep right and left of the vampire, the youngest of the boys rested against the cool chest and gazed into the book with wide brown eyes.

„I'm never going to get it...“ he murmured and swatted at the fingers trying to comb his hair. He hated it when Kei fussed over him, but the vampire loved to do it. Usually they reached a quick solution by Kei blackmailing Sho into submission. Tonight however, it was ridiculously easy to get rid of the offending hand. Kei just hummed softly and allowed Sho to grip his fingers tightly and away from his hair. He was very sleepy despite having rested properly. It was what the closeness and warmth of the sleeping children did to him.

The boy tugged the nearly limp arm back around him and snuggled against Kei. An odd noise rose from the vampire's chest, almost like a purr but not quite. Toshi and Shinji, both peaceful for once, and Sho... he was enveloped by comfortable warmth. Calm heartbeats lulled his senses, and the only thing keeping him just a tad bit aware was the fact that Sho every so often squirmed in his arms and called his attention back to the book.

„Okay, once more...“ Kei whispered, a yawn tugging on him. It was dark outside and he had no intention of sleeping, but the children's bodies made him want to curl up with them, lose himself in the comfort of having them close and never wake up. Reality could never measure up to the illusion of a loving family. „I know it's complicated. But you need to learn it. This means... sunrise.“

„I don't want to learn to read about the sunrise.“ A pout was forming on Sho's lips. He had developed strong instincts to protect Kei, a fact which the vampire found both touching an amusing. Whenever possible Sho tried t avoid topics which might touch a sore spot within the vampire. Occasionally he saw that glint of heartbreaking sadness in Kei's eyes when the sun rose and trapped him inside their apartment. He never wanted to be the reason for such a look on his friend's face. Instead, Sho had made it his mission to make Kei smile.

He was successful tonight. Kei's face lit up just a little and a chuckle rumbled in the chest Sho was snuggled against. „You need to learn to read at all before you get to make demands about the topic“ he chided gently.

Sho pouted and refused to look at Kei even when the vampire gave a gentle tug on his skin. „Hey...“ he murmured. When the child still refused to budge, Kei just pressed their cheeks against each other. „Crybaby“ he murmured, knowing that poking fun at Sho before tears could gather would actually prevent him from crying most of the time.

„Don't tease me!“ the young one finally demanded. Kei simply smiled.

For weeks he had worked hard on teaching the boys to read. He wasn't a great parent or rolemodel for them, and even less of a good teacher, but he considered it his responsibility to make sure they got at least some of the education they would need later in life if they ever wanted to be more than mindless thugs and cannon fodder as adults. Kei hoped they would become more than that.

Shinji and Toshi had taken to reading quite well. However, Sho was still struggling after all this time. Each night they would sit down and Kei would make him read and learn the symbols and help him understand them, but the boy just didn't seem to get it.

Or at least, that was the official version.

As Kei drifted off to sleep surrrounded by soft heartbeats and warm, innocent lives, he caught a glimpse of Sho turning around to look at him, make sure he was gone and then picking up the book once more. The light was dim, but just bright enough to read, and a smile danced on the boy's lips as he indulged in the story.

It was their little white lie. While Sho pretended to have trouble learning to read, Kei pretended not to know that he had learned more quickly than the other two.

It gave them an excuse to snuggle together like this each evening. An excuse for Sho to provoke the fussing and then act as though it was unwelcome. An excuse for Kei to hold the little boy close and cherish the fact that such a pure soul trusted him. An excuse for him to fall asleep feeling loved and protected. An excuse for Sho to hog the vampire's rare affections and feel as though he was special to the blonde.

It was this little white lie that made them feel happy and safe in a world that was anything but. They had trapped themselves in it and they didn't mind one bit.


The End...

genre: fluff, !fanfiction, character: other, character: sho, rating: g, character: kei, series: moon children chronicles

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