[Fanfiction] Birthday Cake (Yukihai)

Jan 19, 2010 16:22

Title: Birthday Cake
Prompt:  karenkk - Sweet Tooth (Yuki x Hyde)
Fandom: JRock
Pairing: Yuki x Hyde
Warnings: fluff
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I don't own Hyde, Yuki, L'Arc~en~Ciel or anything that awesome at all, really.
Notes: So there it is. My first Laruku fanfiction. My first Yukihai. I kinda like it, though I fail at Yuki's characterisation. Basted loosely on a certain birthday surprise on the 15th Anniversary DVD.

Summary: Knowing Hyde had sung Happy Birthday just for him was a treat, but the cake was torture.

Birthday Cake

Cake. A huge, sweet, sugary cake shaped like a drum.

Leaving the beckoning safety of his drum set behind, Yuki made his way back to the front of the stage. For a moment he had been so glad to press the microphone back into Hyde’s hand, fingertips brushing over warm skin for just a split second that was almost too much and yet just enough to keep him going. The stage was Hyde’s domain, with even Tetsu and Ken only being kind of tolerated there, and Yuki was, in all honesty, perfectly happy to pound away on his drums while he could watch the small vocalist swaying in front.

Ah, those hips.

And the cake. Embarrassment coursed through him. Knowing Hyde had sung Happy Birthday just for him was a treat, but the cake was torture. Not for the obvious reasons, mind you. Sure, everyone knew he wasn’t all that fun of sweet stuff, but there was something else entirely about sweet things in close vicinity to Hyde that made for such wickedly wonderful and torturous experiences.

Anticipation trickled through his veins like tiny, fluffy ants - they were PINK, for crying out loud - and the amused glinting in Hyde’s large eyes didn’t help one bit. As Yuki somewhat awkwardly and definitely touched stumbled through the routine of blowing out candles and fighting the instinct to run to the back of the stage, he pictured what would happen after the show.

He knew it so clearly because it always happened. No matter how often he swore he wouldn’t give Hyde the opportunity to fall back into this routine, no matter how often he told himself he wouldn’t smile like a teenager with a heavy crush, it would never be of any use in the end. It was as though Hyde had woven a web and he was caught in it.

Not that he tried all that hard to escape.

People didn’t think them to be close at first glance, but truth be told they were important to each other. It was the kind of friendship that could easily navigate through comfortable silence, bridge long times of not being in contact with each other and then brightening up your whole world when indeed you met. Well, that, and they were crushing on each other just hard enough to enjoy feeling like teenagers sometimes, minus the angst and drama, plus some confident groping and snogging just for the fun of it.

Somehow he made it through the live, realizing only later that the whole thing would probably make its way onto the DVD. However, he was beyond caring at this point. Now they’d cut the cake that Hyde had, naturally, already being eyeing like a starved baby wolf back on stage as it was wheeled away.

“Running from the party already, birthday boy?”

Yuki blushed only a little bit as a casual arm wound around his waist. He had stepped out into the hall for a smoke - he belonged to that rare breed of smokers who actually found the combination of food and smoke rather sickening - and had known that Hyde would follow after a moment in order to give in to their annual ritual.

Nope, definitely not really fighting it.

Somehow his arm found it’s way around the vocalist’s shoulders and they looked at each other, sharing the fluffy ants between them in pleasant silence. Finally Hyde moved in and pressed his lips to Yuki’s in a sweet, loving kiss. Awfully sweet. Hyde always made sure he got some of his own birthday cake one way or another.

That was why, these days, Yuki enjoyed cake nearly as much as Hyde.

So much, in fact, that he never said no to a second helping.


The End...

category: request, genre: fluff, pairing: yukixhyde, !fanfiction, status: one-shot, fandom: jrock, character: hyde, rating: pg-13, character: other

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