Title: Moon Children Chronicles 05: Hero
Warnings: fluff, humour
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Kei, Sho
Disclaimer: The movie Moonchild and its characters are sole property of their creators. I have no rights to them whatsoever. This story merely borrows them. I make no money with this story.
Note: All Parts of the MCC-series are standalones and can be read seperately.
This is what happens when you put me and
plain_ornament together. One of us makes Sushi, the other gets this writing prompts and brings you new MCC fluff. We hope you enjoy. All thanks for this go to
plain_ornament, who is to be blamed and worshipped for everything I'm writing currently.
Summary: Sho wonders about the origins of Kei's red jacket. One night, he dares to ask.
Moon Children Chronicles
Part 05: Hero
There were many mysteries surrounding Kei. Where did he come from, how old was he, why was his hair blonde, where was his family or was he an orphan, too? Why was he smaller than even the loudmouthed teenagers harassing them? Sho suspected Kei had never bothered to eat his vegetables, which was why the boy dedicated a lot of his time to this task. While the thought made Sho dig into his food with a passion, Kei was always left wondering about the measuring glances thrown his way. Not that he wasn't grateful for getting the boy to eat up.
In the end, though, there was always one mystery Sho longed to solve above all else.
The facts were these: Kei was a vampire, immortal, aloof, mysterious, wielding a cold aura of being utterly untouchable. As far as Sho was concerned, his guardian was as invincible as any comic book superhero, but a lot more entertaining for the simple reason that he still was unable to perpare any food more complicated than frozen pizza, and even then success was a fickle thing of chance. However, the point was that with his speed and strength and unvulnerabitlity Kei made for one kickass superhero... and then he went and got himself a bright red jacket not even Toshi was willing to wear. Sho had no trouble picturing Kei in black, dark grey or especially pure white - how awesome would it be to watch Kei beat up other thugs wearing brilliant white like a ray of light come to scorch everything in Sho's way? Cape and tights were no option, of course, but seeing him go down on Chang's men in a white flash would surely be most brilliant. He could call himsellf White Shadow and Sho would tell those damn Chinsese to stuff it or he'd call his best friend, the White Shadow.
But Kei just had to go and wear a red jacket all the friggin' time. Sure, Red made for a nice street name. The thing was just that it made Kei look so incredibly normal and childlike and non-threatening. The loosely fitting pants and overly simple hairstyle were also not helping at all. Kei looked as though he didn't even have a clue as to which end of the gun was supposed to point towards other people, let alone how to kill a man in a matter of an eyeblink or two.
The red jacket was, as Sho had concluded with the wisdom of a child, so wrong that there had to be a reason behind Kei's obsession with it. A good reason. A reason worthy of a superhero.
When Kei returned that night, Sho made sure to catch his attention in a most effective way. Before his thin arms could wind around the vampire's waist, however, Kei sidestepped the assault, grabbed the boy around the middle and dumped him on the couch. As he sorted away the money he'd made somehow, somewhere tonight, Sho launched his attack in earnest. "Shinji is asleep and Toshi drank so much coke that I had to tie him to the antenna on the roof. I haven't untied him yet. You were gone quite long, so I'm not in bed anymore, but I did sleep, swear to the guns you promised me for my 16th birthday."
"18th. And I hate you for remembering that. I thought you didn't hear me through the fever."
Sho snorted, for he tried not to giggle anymore to show he was a man already, and shook his head defiantly. "You were talking about GUNS, Kei. And 17 - last offer."
Kei crossed his arms in front of his chest and rolled his eyes. He knew beyond a shadow of doubt that Sho would find a way to acquire guns long before then, so all he could really hope for was not to be shot in the ass by someone a head smaller than him. "Fine", he grunted, giving in against better judgement but yearning to see the spark of joy in his boy's eyes after tonight's kill. Returning to this innocence made him feel so filthy and yet so very right. As long as he could still make Sho happy, he could pretend to be more than a monster. He could pretend to be someone worthy of this child's affection, and sometimes he could even believe himself. "So why did you get up, shrimp? You know I don't want a welcome commitee at this hour."
Sho beamed. In his wild imagination he had painted this part in vivid, bright colours and looked forward to it immensely. Now he would unravel the truth behind the horror that was Kei's red jacket. Just as the vampire took the thing off, Sho piped up: "Why are you wearing something that makes you look so silly?" Well. That hadn't been exactly how he had meant to phrase the question, but it was too late to correct his mistake. The best thing to do was look cocky as Kei tensed, turned and glared.
Sho gulped and sank deeper into the worn out cushions. "You heard me" he squeaked, trying to sound braver than he felt. When it came down to this, he was still a child and Kei was everything he wanted to be one day. Except tall. And dressed well. And alive. But everything else.
There was an unreadable expression in Kei's eyes as he regarded SHo. "Because it's my favourite colour." His voice was calm and even, his expression guarded. Sho knew at once he was lying and called him out on it. The red jacket found its way onto the cupboard as usual. "I am. Live with it." With that the vampire deemed the discussion over. He had no intention of sharing the truth with Sho just yet. The boy, however, was determined to find out.
Whenever Kei left their current apartment, Sho would make sure to await his return. The vampire would be bombarded with questions and assumptions. Over the days and weeks to come it became a sort of game for Sho and Toshi, and the reasons they came up with ranged from childishly innocent ("Do you want to look more like us?") to downright hilariously absurd ("Were you a girl once?"). Kei's answers were never better and never more truthful. ("I'm colour blind, so I really don't care."). AS time went by, Toshi lost interest in the game and Sho felt the heroic aura he had created for Kei fade. When one night Kei rolled his eyes and said "I can protect you better like this" Sho didn't even pretend it could be a brilliant superhero ploy. He was disappointed, though his adoration never wavered. So Kei was not a superhero. He was still an awesome person in his own way. Awesome, just not super-awesome. From that night on SHo stopped asking.
It was a year later when he finally stood an inch taller than Kei and had stolen his first gun only to find it wasn't working, that Sho noticed he was able to touch the top rim of the cupboard without getting on tiptoes. He was still far from adulthood or even his 16th birthday, and so he still took special delight in being able to do something Kei couldn't. Cooking as at stalemate currently, but everything else was fair game, including the cupboard.
With a grin Sho stretched, his fingertips slipping onto the cupboard as he glanced at Kei's sleeping form on the couch. The vampire had retired only minutes ago but was aleep already and thus failed to take notice of Sho's amazing accomplishment. The boy pouted and then opened his mouth in silent wonder as he touched something slightly wet. Kei's jacket, still as horribly red as when he had made a game out of discovering the purpose behind a garment so utterly uncool. The night had been dry, though, making Sho wonder. There had been no rain for weeks. Frowning in confusion, Sho pulled the jacket down. Red, hisdous and wet. When Sho turned it over in his hands he noticed the stains left on his skin by the wet spots on the fabric he clutched.
After a while Sho smiled. Superheroes, he remembered, covered their faces with masks no matter how foolish it might make them appear, hiding their true nature as much to protect themselves as to keep their loved ones safe.
Superheroes, though, were actually much less awesome than his Kei.