
Jul 10, 2012 03:35

1-20 Community for theiconquest Chapter One : Adventure!
21-30 Community
31-36 Harry Potter
37-40 Alison Brie
41-43 Raising Hope
44-45 Vampire Diaries
46-47 Lauren Bacall
48-49 Merlin
50-51 Fringe
52-56 Pretty Little Liars, Chuck, Sherlock, Lost, Inu Yasha

Notes : Thoughts and feelings of which I have plenty shall be posted tomorrow.
  1. You were promised feelings. You shall receive them. Let's forget about the part where no one asked. I LIKE TALKING ABOUT FEELINGS.
  2. I was feelings really uninspired at first with the iconquest challenge at first. I mean, whatever I tried, it all felt like a steaming pile of shit. Turned out all I needed to do was step away for awhile. I feel pretty pleased with what I have now. And I'm especially proud that I wrangled some text icons that I like. ARIAL BLACK FTW. ( I only noticed the mistake in the Annie icon now. BOO ;_;)
  3. Cutting out backgrounds is fun now that I discovered how to do it. I think I will now beat this technique into the ground by overusing it.
  4. For the iconquest challenge, the reason I chose Community was because : a) I LOVE THE SHOW. Any reason to icon is welcome. b) Every episode in Community is an Adventure. And because I'm nothing but literal, I picked Advanced Dungeons and Dragons to icon as well as Remedial Chaos Theory.
  5. I will shut up now.




Rogue : 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Bard : 6, 7, 8, 9
Wizard : 10, 11, 12, 13, 14
Hero : 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20









Please dont be hotlinking.
If you wish to credit, either applepips16 or inkblush_icons is fine
If you like what you see, JOIN/WATCH the community? :)

tv : the vampire diaries, tv : community, tv : chuck, tv : sherlock, tv : merlin, tv : raising hope, tv : lost, movie : harry potter, icons, tv : pretty little liars

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