(no subject)

Mar 17, 2009 17:26

For some reason, every single computer in the entire university was being used today, which severly hindered my Study Group's attempts to revamp one of our Tudor Lyric presentations for Thursday. We got halfway through before we gave up the will to live. Apparently Professor Zelenka wasn't as amused by our gothic fonts as we were (I missed last week due to sleep) so we're trying to be a bit more mature about the whole thing. It doesn't help that this group is one of the best ever, and we routinely dissolve into giggles and innuendo between fits of academic genius.

Anyway. Last night was Swing Night, which is basically a glorious coming together of the uni Jazz Band and Theatre Society, resulting in much music and merriment. There are some awesome singers out there. And then Nick (the guy who I never met for the first time. He's awesome and adorable) and JJB were either very drunk or totally unprepared and pretty much broke a Sinatra classic :)

I did my usual thing of getting a little melancholy about the whole thing somewhere in the middle (I think it had way too much to do with Malcolm's very visible and still very pretty face being out of talking range most of the night) but in the end it was all good fun.

Also, if you aren't watching The No.1 Ladies' Detective Agency on BBC... iPlayer, you totally should be because it is bright and awesome and FUN. And the characters are interesting and lively and it's just the best thing on TV right now.

Speaking of iPlayer, WTF HEROES?! I look away for a few episodes and suddenly all the shit has hit every fan. Is this series still any good? Because it seems to be in a place I wouldn't have predicted from the start of the season. But I guess if I'd watched the first three episodes of Angel S4 and then skipped to episode 17 I'd be equally confused. So, is it still worth it? I'm gonna watch this episode because of prominent and non-freaky Mohinder and his proximity to Matt, but... should I be checking out the stuff I missed? :P

professor zelenka, uni: tudor lyric poetry, theatre, tv: no.1 ladies' detective agency, tv: heroes

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