I'm not sure if this is the first year it's happened, or if it's the first I've noticed it happening (which is more likely), but there is an amazing amount of Faery activity going on in my neighborhood.
At least, I think there is. Maybe I'm reading the signs wrong.
I've been running three days a week lately, and overnight multiple Faery rings have sprung up in some of the yards I pass. We aren't talking a handful of toadstools, mind you. We're talking YARDS of toadstools. It's freaking amazing. I love passing by these houses, and it almost makes me want to introduce myself to the inhabitants to chat and see if they are welcoming the Fae, or if they have no idea what's going on.
I should get pictures, but I can't stand the idea of running with my camera. I want as little hindrance as possible; on rainy days I'm hardpressed to even run with a hat.
Also - and perhaps this is just me going insane - things around the apartment go missing and reappear minutes later. As in just this morning I was looking for my computer mouse, and I practically tore apart the couch searching for it to find it minutes later resting ON TOP OF a notebook that I had been staring at!
Granted, that little trick could have been performed by the ghost that I'm convinced is in my apartment. Nothing overly weird happens on a regular basis, except that my cats will suddenly stare intently at something that we can't see. And it could just be in my head, but I'm pretty sure there's a presence. He's benevolent, or has been since we moved in two Januarys ago, so I'm not really concerned. I have a, "As long as you don't show yourself and don't freak me out you are welcome here" sort of attitude about it. He's kind of a comforting presence when I'm home alone, actually.
...and then there's Fitzherbert. Fitzherbert is
a house centipede that decide to make his presence known yesterday around 6:30 in the morning when I was getting ready for work.
Needless to say, screaming ensued. I have a huge creepy crawly phobia, nevermind that I am bigger, faster, stronger, smarter, and all other manner of -ers than they are. To say they give me the willies would be a vast understatement.
Cats were useless, as I was freaking them out with aforementioned screaming. To make a long story short, he scuttled behind the toilet into some papertowels and a toilet paper roll and some other trash that's stashed back there that I had been planning to clean this week with C away and now refuse to touch until he gets home. Granted, intellectually I understand that he's probably long gone by now, but I can't make myself sift through the trash to find out. And every time I've been to the bathroom since, I've brought Evie and locked her in with me just in case. I spent a good portion of my shift yesterday looking up info on them, which is how I know it's a house centipede, and Googling things like, "are house centipedes dangerous" and "a house centipede bit my cat" and "my cat ate a house centipede" because Evie is a hunter, and if she encounters it, she'll try to eat it.
Ultimately, it seems like the things are pretty harmless. A regular bite shouldn't harm the kitties any more than a normal bugbite, unless they're allergic, so I would just have to watch for changes in behavior. And as a matter of fact, these creepy bugs actually eat other, less savory bugs, like ants and spiders.
I kind of have the same deal going with Fitzherbert as I do with the ghost: you are welcome to be here as long as I never see you again. Some things you are just incapable of being rational about, and bugs tend to be one of them for me. I'm trying really hard and just hoping he went back to whatever little crevice he came out of.