First, thank you to all of you who said you'd feel comfortable being a part of my Headspace filter. I...didn't realize how touched, how moved I would be just by that simple show of support. So thank you. If you missed it, the poll - such as it is - is
Moving on!
I had yesterday off (first day in nine) and definitely spent it well. C, who knows much more than your average person about computers and all things techy, joined myself and a mutual also smarter-than-the-average-tech friend as we went galavanting around to not one, not two, but THREE Best Buys yesterday (and a Micro Center for good measure) to get me a new computer.
I have sworn up and down in the past, since February when my laptop died after BARELY over a year of use, that I was going off laptops forever. Well...over the past month I've realized how truly inconvenient a desktop is, so I dragged both of the boys with me to help me select what would hopefully be a reliable laptop. The one our friend has is definitely a gamer's dream, but it was at the tippy top of my price range. Definitely didn't want to spend that much before tax. Nothing inspired me at the first Best Buy; in fact, over half their stock was gone. Not sure what that was about, but they didn't have much to show for themselves, and weren't very helpful when we inquired as to when they'd be getting more in. So off to Micro Center. There, I was torn between two laptops. Two HPs, of which I am eternally dubious, since that is what my Only-Lasted-A-Year laptop was, but the boys seemed confident about both specs, if totally unenthusiastic. Our friend said he found the larger of the two versions at another Best Buy, for the same price but better specs (I would have had to pay to upgrade the RAM 2gb on the current laptop we were eyeing) so off we went.
The laptop we had been eyeing was 15.6" with 4gb RAM (I needed 6, which would cost more) for $849.99. We got to Best Buy, and the one we had seen on our friend's iPhone was there, with the 6gb already, for the same price, and guys, the screen is 17.3". IT IS ABSURD. FOR THE SAME PRICE. Granted, I think there's slightly less harddrive space (I still have over 600gb, so I can't say I care) and can't play BluRays, but since I can't AFFORD BluRays anyway, again, I DON'T CARE.
She is so pretty.
In other news, went into work late today because I had a bit of a wonky morning, and I have off tomorrow. I am really looking forward to that. I am not planning on getting anything done. Job searching and whatnot can wait until next week, once I regain some of my equilibrium after working so many days in a row, over a holiday weekend, no less.
I do want to write at some point, though. Oh, and I made a doctor's appointment. It's not until the 13th, which had me kind of anxious at first, but I've gone this long without help. Surely I can make it another two weeks. And I inadvertently made the appointment for a day that both C and I have off. He was really sweet and offered to go with me :) Not that he wouldn't offer normally, just the way he went about it, it was clear from the start that if he wasn't working, he was hellbent on coming if I needed him to. I don't think I really need him, per se, but depending on how the appointment goes, it will at least be nice to have a distraction from my thoughts on the way home.
Hope everyone's enjoying the "cold" front! It didn't hit 90 today, at least as far as I can tell!