Back to my original layout. It turns out I really like the interest a patterned background lends, and all the layouts I've favorite'd thus far have plain, often white, backgrounds. It's just so boring to me now, after having this one. Plus, I do love it :)
Also, if I ever have my own little Etsy shop, or some such, it's going to be called: Whatsits
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Out of curiosity, are you vegetarian by choice or by necessity? (Not for the purposes of judging, but because I have food intolerances and/or allergies and am trying to find out how many other people have intolerances and to what.)
I'm vegetarian by choice. Regardless of what label my spirituality ends up having, if any, it's definitely nature-based and in that regard paganistic, I suppose. Knowing this, I came to the conclusion that I really couldn't reconcile a spirituality like that with eating animals. At least, not the way the animals are currently being raised. I have no problem with survival of the fittest, and eating animals in general, but I just think there are so many things wrong with the meat industry, and I couldn't accept my spirituality AND eat meat at the same time.
If that makes sense?
What kind of intolerance do you have? I'm almost positive a friend of mine is vegetarian by necessity. Maybe she can shed some light?
I hope you get everything figured out soon. My friend has Crohn's Disease, and although she no longer has any dietary restrictions as a result, when she first started showing intolerance, it took them MONTHS to figure out what was wrong with her, mostly because it came out of nowhere. It at least sounds like you have a starting place.
marinatempest laughs at me (in nostalgia and goodwill, I'm sure ;) ) but I've been eating the "chicken" patties from MorningStar. I haven't yet found the courage to try tempeh or seitan, and am wary of tofu, but if I come across anything super yummy and affordable in my exploration, I'll let you know!
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