[Final Fantasy X] Sunrise

Jan 23, 2007 19:32

Title: Sunrise
Rating: G
Word Count: 100 exactly (HA I WIN!)
Characters: Kinoc, Auron, Jecht
Notes: For ff_100's "Old wounds" challenge, inspired to some extent by fanfic100's "Sunrise" challenge.

Kinoc whistled appreciatively, and Auron managed not to wince. “Beautiful Auron, beautiful. It looks like a sunrise all over your face.”

Auron graced him with a glare that had in the past frozen fiends to the spot, although the effect was dampened by the fading-but-still-beautiful bruises swelling around his eye: yellow, purple-red, and even a hint of blue. Kinoc just grinned.

“What sort of fiend was it? I’m here with some troops, so if you want, we could -“

“I dealt with it.”

“So I’m a fiend now?” Jecht asked, limping up once Kinoc had moved on.

“Don’t flatter yourself.”
I'm sure they must have run into Kinoc at least ONCE during their pilgrimage. Let me have my little crack moments.

ffx: jecht, ffx: auron, ffx: kinoc, ffx

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