Demon Diary: One sentence/fic/drabbles

Dec 28, 2006 19:06

Title: Fifty Sentences
Rating: G
Characters: Raenef, Eclipse, Chris, Erutis, Krayon (And Krayon/Erutis crack, because I always forget she wants Eclipse/Raenef fluff.)
Notes: Written for kireizillah, because she asked for Demon Diary fluff. I was having a bad run though, so I offered her this and asked her to pick some out so I could have something to base a fic off. (Cheating? Who's cheating?)

1. Ring
Raenef was smiling and innocent and cute; the woman manning the stall was too busy cooing over him to notice him palming the rings.

2. Hero
Erutis wasn’t a hero by any stretch of the imagination - she was a swords master, and any heroics were just part of her job.

3. Memory
Raenef had no memory of the Thieves’ Guild being arrested, or killing the guard, or even leaving the city, but if he concentrated really hard, he could almost remember a tall figure with flowing black hair...

4. Box
Krayon had a box in his castle that no one was allowed to open - it contained a ripped silk dress, a broken sword, and a lock of red hair that Erutis had nearly killed him for taking.

5. Run
Chris didn’t even wait for Eclipse to figure out what he was doing: as soon as he realised who was opening the door, he abandoned his magic circle and ran.

6. Hurricane
It was supposed to be a lesson on manipulating the weather, but as soon as the hurricane appeared around them, Raenef shrieked and flung his arms around Eclipse for safety.

7. Wings
“I wish I had wings,” Raenef said one day, looking at the birds; Eclipse could teach him to sprout wings, but he taught him to fly without them.

8. Cold
Raenef had grown up in a desert town, so the castle always felt cold to him - or at least, that was his excuse for curling up in Eclipse’s bed from the start of autumn till the end of spring.

9. Red
“My true love’s hair is as red as a rose,” Krayon started, before his true love went after him with a sword.

10. Drink
Every few decades or so, Eclipse and the High Priest of Rased got together and compared notes, reminisced about old battles, and drank themselves into a stupor because of their respective charges.

11. Midnight
Chris, Erutis, and Raenef resolved never to be out of bed at midnight: the chance of running into Eclipse in housemaid mode was far too great.

12. Temptation
There was always a temptation, when Eclipse was being still and quiet and serious, for Raenef to start playing with his hair.

13. View
Erutis thought the view was great: an entire camp falling over themselves to do her bidding - but Krayon, staring down at her from the top of a tree, thought the view he had was much better.

14. Music
He’d always thought love was like music, an elegant duet - until he fell in love with Erutis, of course, and realised just how many discords the music could hold.

15. Silk
Raenef had never even touched silk, let alone worn it, but when he started to, his first thought was that it felt just like Eclipse’s hair.

16. Cover
She wanted to tell him to take cover, that it was her fight and she could handle it and he had to get out of the way before he got hurt, but knowing Krayon, he’d just take it as some weird sign of affection.

17. Promise
The boy touched Eclipse’s arm lightly, meeting his eyes squarely: “Do you promise?”

18. Dream
Demons don’t dream, as a rule, so Eclipse couldn’t have sympathised with his master even if he hadn’t woken up screaming about tomatoes.

19. Candle
Raenef couldn’t hold a candle to predecessor in terms of power or deeds - in fact, the only thing he could rival him in was the loyalty he inspired.

20. Talent
Chris had a talent for annoying the wrong people, and Eclipse had a talent for inventive punishments.

21. Silence
Raenef hated the silence of the castle - it was too quiet and lonely, compared to the noise and chaos of his old home - so he clung to Eclipse like a lifeline, chattering and questioning and trying not to let the silence get to him.

22. Journey
His journey would have been impossible for a human, difficult for a demon - but Eclipse had his task and would complete it no matter what difficulties he encountered.

23. Fire
Erutis was on the verge of resigning herself to a cold night in wet clothes, unable to get the fire to light, but Krayon took over and soon had it blazing (She didn’t thank him).

24. Strength
Chris was the heir to power of Rased, a self-proclaimed genius, and sensible enough to never try and test his strength against Erutis.

25. Mask
She’d never seen Eclipse’s mask so much as crack until he asked her to help him find his master.

26. Ice
“Ice is warmer than milady’s heart -”
“And ’your lady’ is getting sick of these stupid love poems!”

27. Fall
Raenef glanced back at the man, still perched on the roof of a building, and yelled “Don’t fall, mister!”

28. Forgotten
Eclipse stared after his master with wide eyes; he’d expected many things but could never have imagined that he’d be forgotten...

29. Dance
Eclipse went through most lessons with a deadpan expression, but even he couldn’t maintain it in face of Raenef’s eagerness to learn how to dance.

30. Body
He wasn’t in love with her for her body (It was too like a boy’s), or her mind (At times it seemed she had none), so what did that leave?

31. Sacred
Some things, such as Raenef and Eclipse’s “moments” were beyond sacred, and interrupting could lead to a fate worse than death - as Chris found out.

32. Farewell
Eclipse had never been much good at farewells, but he when his master died he didn’t even have a chance to attempt one.

33. World
Raenef was, at heart, the kid she’d taken him for; the instant he found out she’d seen the world he started begging her to tell him about it.

34. Formal
There was a certain amount of formality to be expected between demons lords and their servants, which never really stopped Raenef flinging his arms around Eclipse whenever he pleased.

35. Fever
Sometimes, Raenef felt like he had a fever - he was shivery, his skin hot - but unlike normal fevers, this one was made worse, not better, by the touch of Eclipse’s hands.

36. Laugh
Eclipse hardly ever laughed out loud, but Raenef found that if he looked hard enough he could see it sparkling in Eclipse’s eyes.

37. Lies
“How do you expect him to be a good demon lord if he can’t even tell lies without blushing?”

38. Forever
Raenef, expression unusually serious, looked up and asked “Can you stay with me forever?”

39. Overwhelmed
Raenef sprawled out across his bed, trying to get his head around the fact that he was a demon lord, he had a castle, he was never gonna have to steal food again, and there was a guy called Eclipse who was trying to teach him four billion things that he had to learn and remember - was it really any wonder he was overwhelmed?

40. Whisper
One day, Raenef grabbed Eclipse’s arm and whispered four words so quickly they merged into one (IloveyouEclipse)and bolted.

41. Wait
Sometimes, in the beginning, Eclipse would forget Raenef hadn’t mastered teleportation; when he teleported himself, the cry of “Wait for me!” could be heard all over the castle.

42. Talk
Chris and Erutis were desperate to know what Eclipse and Raenef were talking about - Raenef was staring at his feet, face red, and Eclipse was speaking softly - but neither was foolish enough to try and eavesdrop.

43. Search
Eclipse had thought, once he found his master, he would be spared any more searches - he hadn’t expected he’d forced to chase after him again and again and again...

44. Hope
Krayon didn’t just hope Erutis would fall in love with him, he knew she would - once she calmed down, of course.

45. Eclipse
Mister Eclipse, Raenef thought as he grabbed his meagre possessions, had a name that was way too appropriate.

46. Gravity
Erutis hated gravity with a passion - mainly because it gave Chris too many opportunities to make jokes about her butt.

47. Highway
Raenef strolled down the highway, oblivious to the strange looks he was garnering, daydreaming about returning to Eclipse as a real demon lord.

48. Unknown
Raenef, initial fiasco aside, was relatively unknown in court, and Eclipse prayed every night that it would stay that way.

49. Lock
Eclipse stopped bothering to lock doors in the castle after he discovered that even if Raenef couldn’t teleport into a room, he’d learnt something about locks from the Thieves’ Guild.

50. Breathe
Raenef grabbed at Eclipse as the older demon fell, too panicked to even breathe until Eclipse opened his eyes and assured him he was alright.

Title: The Little Things
Rating: G
Word Count: 196
Characters: Raenef, Eclipse
Notes: I kindasortamaybe have a fetish for klepto!Raenef. (I mean, he lived in the Thieves' Guild - he must have learnt something.), and this the unfinished result of that. Yes, it was another attempt at fluff for kireizillah, but I hated the end and the beginning, which left me with this...

It was always little things that went missing. Some of the silverware he’d set out for dinner. The smaller statues and trinkets off shelves. In some cases, Eclipse wasn’t even sure what was missing, only that there was an empty space on the wall that hadn’t been there yesterday.

He knew Lord Raenef was taking them - he’d never actually caught the boy, but the slight guilty start every time Eclipse came across him looking at something was a hint, as was the fact that Raenef had been in the area just before Eclipse noticed something had vanished - but he couldn’t figure out why. The boy had an entire castle, so why he’d want to... Steal was the word his mind persisted in offering, regardless of the fact that Lord Raenef couldn’t possibly steal something that already belonged to him, was beyond him.

And it did all belong to him - Eclipse reassured him of that occasionally, usually when he discovered that they really were out of cutlery in a hope that it might persuade his lord to give some of it back. The fact that Raenef’s usual reaction was disbelief, or demanding a repetition, was entirely irrelevant.

Title: Looks Simple, Doesn't It?
Rating: G
Word Count: 482
Characters: Raenef, the unnamed thief from Volumes 2 and 3 (And possibly 7)
Notes: For the record; I picture the narrator being that guy from either book two or book three, the one who knew about the Thieves' Guild being up to something big before he was supposed to. Did we ever find out his name, and why the hell do I think he's a red head?

Watching Raenef at work is one of the most beautiful things in the world. He - he makes it look so simple. Just like him, I guess.

Shush, here we go. Watch this.

You see him? Of course you don’t, you’re looking in the wrong place - he’s there, see? In the middle of that group? They’re all gonna move in a second, then you’ll be able to see him better. There you go, what did I tell you?

Well of course he’s looking confused, that’s Raenef’s natural expre - well, yeah, “lost” is probably a better word for it. S’part of the plan, see? Just wait. We’re looking for someone who’s not busy - it’ll have to be someone on a market stall, or this ain’t gonna work. Keep an eye out for the mothery types, the ones that’re gonna see him standing there all lost and confused and wanna help him. He’s good at this sort of thing y’know. He’s got this innocent sort of face and big eyes, and he can get teary eyed at the drop of a hat. No one thinks for a minute that he’s a thief.

Then again, half the time we forget ourselves. He just… Doesn’t look right as a thief. Too innocent, I guess. Too sweet.

Hey, here we go. The broad on the jewellery stall- you’d think she’d be a little more suspicious, wouldn’t you? What with all that gold and stuff right there where anyone could pick it up? But no, Raenef looks lost and helpless, and now she’s waving him over to ask what’s wrong.

Are you lost? Looking for someone? she asks, and Raenef braces himself against her stall just a little, hands spreading so delicately over the rings and the necklaces.

Watch her face now. Watch her. See what she looks like when Raenef starts talking - see the “Oh my god what the hell?!” look on her face? Everyone does that - they all think he’s a girl, and then he opens his mouth. And the best thing is that he doesn’t even realise most of the time.

Now watch. He’s telling her that he’s here with his brother and a friend - that’s me and you, got it? - and we got separated, and has she seen them? And he’s not actually gonna describe us, because that’s stretching his brain a little, but he’ll try, bless him. He’s gonna stand there going “Um - ah - he’s about -“ and all the time he’s gonna be sneaking things up his sleeves or into his pockets.

How do I now? Trust me, I’ve seen him pull this one before. Usually works. So long as she doesn’t look down -

Ack, come on - There you are, you idiot! We’ve been looking for you all over the place! Thanks for looking after him miss, we were worried sick. Bye now!

(Don’t just stand there Raenef, you’re gonna drop -!)

Title: What HE Said
Rating: G
Word Count: 708
Characters: Raenef, Eclipse, Chris, Krayon, Erutis (Possible Raenef/Eclipse)
Notes: See, there was this nice, pretty, possibly Eclipse/Raenef fluffy image in my head - really, it depends on whether Chris or Erutis wins the bet, and that depends on who Kireizillah says wins - and then Chris, Erutis, and Krayon poked their heads around the door to see what they were talking about. (Which, to be honest, would definitely be the way it happened in the manga. If we're being honest.)

There was only so much magic could do, and for all Chris’ boasting, he knew that raising the dead was beyond him. Especially if “the dead” referred to himself.

Knowing that Eclipse would kill them all - or worse still, wouldn’t - is the only thing that’s stopping the eavesdroppers trying to sneak closer so they can actually hear. Even Krayon wouldn’t try it.

(“I would gladly risk my life for you, milady,” he’d told a rapidly-turning-purple Erutis. “But not by eavesdropping on one of Eclipse’s private conversations.” He’d smiled, and not in his usual curly-haired-fop way; this almost made him look like a demon. “After all, he would be furious, and I’d hate to have to kill a prospective servant.”

Chris had tried to point out that Krayon had already tried to kill Eclipse, but Erutis had hit them both and made them shut up.)

So they were reduced to cracking open the door and staring, wishing that either of the men would speak up so they could hear.


Raenef, the one who’d dragged Eclipse into the room in the first place, is staring at his feet as though they hold all the answers in the universe. The blond had started talking looking at Eclipse’s face, but when his eyes had gone wide, then closed like he was getting a headache, and when his face had gone a shade paler and started to smooth out into his best Tutor-to-a-Demon-Lord look, Raenef had dropped his gaze to the floor. He won’t - he can’t - meet his tutor’s eyes. He knows this is stupid, he doesn’t need to see it written all over Eclipse’s face.

His hands hurt from being clenched so tightly into fists. It feels like someone’s glued his feet to the floor, and really that would be a good explanation for why he’s not run away yet - and it’s a good thing that Eclipse isn’t a mind reader, or he’d be in trouble for considering running away from a servant.

(“Fifty says he’s declaring his love,” Erutis had whispered.

Chris had pulled his face and started checking his pockets to see how much money had fallen into his pockets when he’d left the temple. “Hundred says he’s just messed something up again.”

Krayon scoffed. “I’ll double both your wagers -“ Then Erutis had elbowed him and told him that he’d do no such thing because it was her money and he was supposed to be on her side anyway.)

Eclipse, for his part, has been silent, letting his master talk as quickly and softly as he could - which was a good thing, because if he interrupted now, Raenef might not be able to start talking again. His arms are folded across his chest and his head bowed, so he looks like he’s listening, which probably isn’t a good thing; this whole thing might be easier if Eclipse wasn’t listening.

It takes him a while to realise that he’s still talking but not actually saying anything any more, and Raenef gradually stutters to a stop, tensing.

For what felt like an hour, no one moved. The demon lord was barely even breathing.

Then Eclipse sighed as though in defeat and murmured a handful of words so softly they were barely audible.

Raenef’s head snapped up, eyes wide, running the words over and over in his head just to check he’d heard them right - then flung himself at his tutor, burying his suddenly too-pale face against Eclipse’s chest before the older demon could think to scold him for the tears in his eyes.

Eclipse brought a hand up, gently petting at his lord’s hair in an attempt to soothe him,

(The black haired demon glanced ever so casually at the door, and all three watchers froze.)

then teleported them away.

(Chris looked at Erutis.

Erutis looked at Chris.

Krayon smiled brightly at them both and declared that he and his lady had overstayed their welcome and would be getting back to their camp now - do make our apologies to Eclipse and Raenef V - and then they were both gone.

The next high priest of Rased buried his head in his hands, wondering if whatever Eclipse and Raenef were doing would last long enough to give him a head start.)

demon diary: krayon, demon diary: erutis, demon diary: eclipse, psoh: chris, [wip], demon diary: raenef, demon diary, (one sentence)

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