Kingdom Hearts II: First Fight

Feb 12, 2010 21:50

Title: First Fight
Rating: G
Word Count: 236
Characters: Axel, Roxas
Notes: Wow, this is OLD. We're talking September last year old. -_-; Also for no reason it kinda makes me think of The Last Fight by Velvet Revolver, but I think that's a different fic entirely. [Set during the prologue of the game.]

He looked like a bundle of dried twigs, like he'd just snap if you looked at him right. Roxas didn't recognise the shape anymore than he recognised the flame-like hair or the tattooed face, but he couldn't shake the feeling that he should.

The guy - Axel, he'd said. It's me, Axel - pulled two spiked discs out of nowhere, and didn't seem too bothered when flames erupted around his fingers.

Fire, he found himself thinking. I should've known that. That didn't make any sense - how could he have known? - but nothing was making sense now.

The clang of metal-on-metal, jarring his arms as Axel caught the keyblade between his discs - that was familiar in a way he didn't understand, felt right in a way that fighting Seifer and the guys in silver jumpsuits hadn't. Ducking past Axel, who swayed and sagged and swiped at Roxas faster than he could block - it felt like he should be able to. He should know how.

He should be able to block him. He should be able to dodge the attacks. He should be able to get closer, hit harder, hit faster -

Roxas found himself swinging with his keyblade, then raising his other arm like he could block with another, and the guy smirked at him as he lunged forwards, muttering something about remembering that.

He was wrong - Roxas didn't remember.

He knew.

kh: axel, kingdom hearts, kh: roxas

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