Art Spam

Jul 23, 2006 15:09

For once in my life, I'm gonna show some courtesy and only post the links.

Tazlure Related:
  • Becca Acerbi ~ A picture of my character on Tazlure, Becca. Drawn in charcoal and based off a picture of a friend's boyfriend.
  • Becca's Kidnapping List ~ If you look - not to mention can read any of the names on that list - you'll see that someone's cats are about six places above their owner... And no, I don't know where her other shoe is. Current opinions are that she threw it at someone.
  • Join the Masquerade ~ Once upon a long, long time ago, I promised the player of my character's sort-of-nemesis-slash-chew-toy, Fauna, that I'd draw his character and promptly forgot all about it. Then I got whacked with some inspiration and doodled this. There's a coloured version in the scraps part of my devArt account, but I think the pencil sketch looks better. *nodnods*

  • Niccolo ~ This one started off as a very, very random doodle in the middle of an english lessons and ended up being attacked by pastel pencils... And eaten by my scanner. *weeps* But the character has lost the wings and stumbled into a story I'm writing, so he's infinitely worse off.
  • Looking Back ~ Another random doodle, right after my resolution that I'd have to put backgrounds on everything I did from here on out. Ah well, photoshopped it and gave it my traditional squiggly~squiggly background.
  • Yorrick; Alas Poor ~ Yes, I was the one that christened it Yorrick, yes I went walking around school with the skull on my shoulder, yes I'm crazy. I want a Yorrick of my own, but a plastic one's £100, and you get in trouble for trying to get a real one from the graveyards...
  • (art spam)

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