Meme: Virginity, 10 questions, and badfic summaries

Mar 26, 2008 15:57

Heylo again everyone! I know, I know, been keeping quiet in this quarter. I'm working on it, okay? I'm also bringing meme spam, because I'm trying to get my head working again.

  • Name a character I write and I'll tell you how s/he lost her/his virginity.

    dior_anghel asked for Baralai, and I have to admit that I sat around boggling at her for a while. Contrary to popular opinion and the fic I end up writing, I'm not convinced Baralai ever had time to get laid. SO, let's see. I have two theories.
    One is that he was rolling around in the desert with Gippal (It started off as sparring, really, but Gippal always starts laughing and swearing at Baralai in Al Bhed, which makes Baralai laugh, and Gippal always looks so pleased with himself once he's made Baralai laugh that Baralai really can't stop himself kissing him. Not that he tries very hard.).
    The other is that either shortly before or shortly after the Crimson Squad he was Very Charming at one of the acolytes he wanted something from, and he ended up in a quiet part of the archives working out the quickest way to get through the heavy temple robes while asking questions that really you'd think wouldn't be asked while you were getting someone naked. (It's safe to say that whoever it was didn't think anything of it - after all, Baralai was very charming and helpful normally, always thinking about his work and the projects Maester Kinoc had been working on, so it was hardly surprising. And really, they'd been listening more to his voice than what he was actually saying anyway.)

    glitterbats asked for Papa D, and my answer was basically along the lines of "Papa D is a bastard." I'm of the opinion that he could be persuaded to lower himself to touch some lowly mortals, get them off for spite or something - or just reduce them to a puddle of need and leave them like that. He wouldn't let them touch him though. I'd imagine he used to think it was funny to watch people come apart under his hands, as opposed to actually experiencing it himself.

    Eventually, Howell bullied him into it though. D had left him lying cross-eyed and sweaty on the sofa (Howell was entertaining enough in conversation, and had proved to be equally so once D got his hands on him in the literal sense) - D started to get up to leave (and he could've left without anyone even looking at him twice; D was good at coming out of such things without a hair out of place), when Howell grabbed him and dragged him back down to the sofa and nearly ripped D's robe trying to get his hands under it. D was so surprised that Howell thought of it - and quite put out that Howell was in any condition to think of such things - that he didn't think to stop him.

    I admit though, that the part of my brain that hangs around glitterbats too much isn't convinced that he wasn't a little too close to his family, if you understand my meaning. :\

  • Give me a character (or three) and I will tell you
    1) What is your opinion of this character? If you like, explain why you like him/her. Likewise if you dislike the character.
    2) Is he/she important to the general plot?
    3) Can you relate to this character at all? Do they grip you emotionally?
    4) How much do you like the fandom that this character comes from?
    5) Do you ship this character with any other character? Or, are you particularly intrigued by their relationship with any other character(s)? (romance-wise or platonic)
    6) Is there anything about the character you would change?
    7) If you were in the fandom with this character or knew this character in real life, how do you see yourself interacting with him/her? (Would you get along well? Fall in love with? Dislike? Friendly rivalry? etc etc)
    8) Does this character make the cut as one of your all time favorites (if you like) or least favorites?
    9) Would you hype up this character (if you like) or warn about (if you dislike) to someone whose new to the fandom?
    10) Is this character popular with the fanbase?

    Previous answers include Demon Diary's Krayon, Petshop of Horrors' Count D, Petshop of Horror's Sofu D and Jill, and Sherlock Holmes.

    There are spoilers in all my answers, except in the Count D one. Also, they are all REALLY tl;dr. [/fair warning]

  • The thing is, when people look for stories, they always make it sound like badfic. Now, often that's because it really is badfic, but sometimes it's good and they just suck at describing the story.

    So, your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to summarize badly any one (or more!) of my stories and I'll try to guess which it is. You could even pretend you don't remember the pairing or fandom to make it harder to guess.

    (This one actually reminds me of a meme bottle_of_shine spread around, where people were given badfic summaries and had to write the fic for it, or turn it into a decent fic. Hm.)

    *mooches off to finish catching up on fic*
  • (meme spam)

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