Meme: Well, shameless ego rubbing would be an appropriate name -

Feb 10, 2008 19:33

I know I've not exactly been active for the last few months, and I'm very sorry! I'm working on that though. If anyone's curious, I'm currently engaged in a reading project at bookturnedmind, and will be posting WIPs later today over at thescriptoria.

In the mean time, I'm lurking hopefully at The Feedback Meme, where people say generally nice things about other people's fic, and at the The Fanficcer's Love Meme where people tell authors what their favourite fic is by that writer. If anyone's inclined, I'd appreciate it. :)

I was going to put something else in this post to make it look slightly less like I was begging for an ego affirmation, but my to-do list is four miles long, and my fic searches are generally engaged in the direction of "Who do I have to beg to get decent Sherlock Holmes fic?" "Where is the Skulduggery Pleasant fandom?" and "Okay, if I post the four lines of an FFXII fic that I remember, will anyone be able to tell me what it is?" so. Um.

... I'm rambling now. >_>

(meme spam)

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