FFX-2: Big Deals

Jan 23, 2008 18:19

Title: Big Deals
Rating: G
Word Count: 311
Characters: Gippal, Baralai, Isaaru (... Gippal -> Baralai? Maybe?)
Notes: For the record, I wrote this in May last year as commentspam for bottle_of_shine, but I found it while I was looking for another piece. I'm just kinda impressed at how much my writing's actually changed since then. I go as far as saying it got better, but it's... Different from how I write now. I would say I like how I write now better than how I used to, but, uh, as I'm not actually writing that much...

Gippal banged the door open, hands fisted in his hair. "'Lai I swear -"

He froze in the doorway, rant about the idiots he was working with dying unspoken. Baralai had shed his coat, and seriously, that was A Big Deal considering that he wouldn't take the damn thing off unless he had to - he hadn't even taken it off to let Doctor P put him back together. It wasn't just that though - Baralai looked like he'd just rolled out of bed, shirt half-unbuttoned and his hair in his face, brilliant white against his tan.

Gippal might have said something - or done something, although at this point standing there and admiring Baralai like he was a brand new machina Gippal had just thrown together to prove he was a genius looked kinda good, and that had to be a waste - if it hadn't been for one thing.

Summoner Isaaru was sat at Baralai's desk, holding a sheaf of papers up for Lai to look at - and Baralai was leaning against his back, reading over his shoulder as he buttoned his shirt. They both looked up at him when he stopped - they must have been talking to Nooj to pick that up - Baralai putting one hand on Isaaru's shoulder as he rounded the desk, frowning a little. "Gippal? Is something wrong?"

"Yeah," Gippal said without thinking. Then again, he couldn't be blamed for not thinking straight considering he was doing his best not to stare at Baralai's bare throat like he was a fiend about to go for it. "I. Um. They need me back at Djose. I'll - I'll see you later."

Baralai looked disappointed, but Summoner Isaaru's smile didn't flicker, even as he said "I hope you come back soon."

Gippal almost managed not to sound sceptical when he said "I bet you do."

ffx: isaaru, ffx-2, ffx-2: gippal, ffx-2: baralai

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