Meme spam: Cluedo vs Why They Love Each Other

Sep 26, 2007 18:01

Give me the names of two characters and I will tell you why character A loves character B. I might answer with a drabble, a quickbit of meta, or a list, just to make things that tiny bit more exciting.

(Pairings all ready requested:
Demon Diary - Eclipse/Raenef
Saiyuki - Gojyo/Hakkai
From Eroica with Love - Klaus/Eroica
Final Fantasy X - Auron/Jecht
Final Fantasy X-2 - Baralai/Gippal
Final Fantasy XII - Balthier/Vaan
Phoenix Wright - Miles/Nick

Yes, I will get round to reposting them soon.)

Cluedo drabbles! Give me a character, a place, and an object, and I will write you a drabble using the clues!

(OKAY, Cluedo apparantly = Clue! Whichever name makes more sense to people! :D)

(meme spam)

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