[Meme Spam] I have got to stop thinking of this as a customer satisfaction card

Jun 16, 2007 20:49

Okay, I swear I'm done spamming F-pages after this. No, really.

I actually did this meme a while back (it was stolen in a truly honest fashion from lazulisong), but a) Hey, I found it again! and b) I'm curious as to whether people still crit me on the things they did back then.

So! Based on whatever of mine you've read:

1) Do I have a distinct style of writing?
2) If so, what exactly is it that defines my "style"?
3) Would you say my stories usually follow a 'theme'?
4) Is there anything I really need to improve or change?
5) Does my style (if I have one) remind you of anyone else?
6) Judging from whatever writing of mine that you've seen, what do you think is/are my strength(s)?
7) What do you think is/are my weakness(es)?
8) What would you rate my writing overall on a scale of 1-10?

(meme spam)

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