Title: True Love Conquers All
Rating: G
Word Count: 140
Characters: LeBlanc; Nooj, Ormi and Logos mentioned.
Notes: Once upon a time, I decided that the way to prove I could write anything that
ff_exchange threw at me was to write something about the character I cared about least - which ended up with me attempting to write a drabble about LeBlanc. I just found it again, and figured "Eh, might as well post it." I have to admit: as much as I want to rip her head off, I kinda feel sorry for her - I mean, who here thinks Nooj likes her anywhere near as much as she likes him?
LeBlanc believes that true love will conquer all. Love will overcome the distance between Guadosalam and the Youth League's headquarters, love (and her fan, and her goons, and the fact that she never hears the word no) will get her past all those who try to keep her away from Noojie, love will give her the strength to take down anyone who gets between her and the spheres she's seeking, love will give her the strength to wait - to wait as long as she has to until she and Noojie can be together.
True love conquers all. True love (and a sphere that she wanted to get rid of quickly, without having to listen to Logos and Ormi snivelling about going to Bevelle) brought them together. True love will keep the rumours of Noojie being a Deathseeker as just that.