FFX-2: Lady Luck

May 28, 2007 20:01

Title: Lady Luck
Final Fantasy: FFX-2
Pairing/Characters: Rikku, Shinra
Word Count: 267
Summary: Rikku's sorry that Shinra didn't win the tournament - except that she's not.
Notes/Warning: Found while I was looking for some of my old drabbles. Spoilers for the Sphere Break tournament.


"Yeah?" He turned his face up to her, the bug-eyes of his mask almost glowing in the light from his screen. Creepy. But then, with Brother in charge, creepy was pretty much the usual.

Rikku crouched down next to him, arms folded around her knees. "Sorry you didn't win the Sphere Break tournament."

"No you're not."

"Hey, I'm trying to be nice here. You could at least pretend."

It was easier to read someone when you could see their face, which was why most Al Bhed covered their faces with goggles or masks. Shinra probably did it so they couldn't see him go "Er..." when they asked him a question he didn't know the answer to (Because there was no way he could know everything. That was Auron's job, even if he wasn't there to do it any more.) Still, even through the goggles and the full-face mask she could imagine him giving her a Look.

"You didn't want the prize anyway, did you?" Rikku asked instead, bouncing to her feet. "I mean, it was -" She closed her eyes in concentration, and her skin rippled as her skirt and bikini melted into a bright yellow dress that probably covered the same amount of skin. " - it was a dress sphere. What would you have done with that?"

Shinra sniffed and turned back to his screen.

"Shows what you know."

Rikku stared blankly at his back for a while, thinking about that.

When thinking about that changed to trying to picture Shinra wearing a Lady Luck dress, she nearly fell over herself as she bolted.For full crack potential? Please to be be picturing Shinra with a Lady Luck dress over his jumpsuit. I swear I don't know why my brain does this to me.

ffx-2: shinra, ffx-2, ffx: rikku

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