Supernatural: The Wrong Kind of Challenge

May 25, 2007 09:12

Title: The Wrong Kind of Challenge
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Characters: Dean, Sam
Notes: This feels kinda like I'm writing fic for an actual episode - and there might be something like this in the series, I'm only half-way through the first one. Spoil me and death will follow.Written for the 100_ghosts prompt "lust."

"Dean, don't take this the wrong way, but..."

"You wanna know why the succubus didn't come after me?" Dean grins and tosses over the painkillers. "Because she had no taste."

Sam tries to glare at him, but his head's spinning too hard and there's broken glass in his hair from the window Dean broke when he threw the bitch out of it. Still, it must've been a good attempt, because Dean says "Dude, they like a challenge. I've never been that."

"Will you love me, Sammy? He won't love anyone, but you love, don't you?"

"Maybe you're the wrong sort."

supernatural: dean, supernatural, supernatural: sam

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