It's strange you know? Turin is one of Italy's bigger cities, but it always felt so small to me, and it feels even smaller when you've been attending catholic schools all your life. The faces are always the same -at the parties, at university- it seems like everyone knows everyone else, at least in passing.
It's both annying and comforting, but I'm a girl of habit and I like it more often than not. At least the gossip is more interesting when you know everyone involved ;)
The funny thing is -even the few famous people who stick around insted of moving to Milan or Rome can't escape this little game. My high school was practically attached to Juventus' head office and the football players stopped to eat at the same run-down kiosk the students went to. I shared classes with some of their children, and I still remember one of the parents-vs-teachers football matches we had, the thrill of seeing professional players side by side with your average middle-aged dad and cheerfully mopping the floor with our professors. Luciana Littizzetto was Miriam's mother student, my favourite journalist (Gramellini) was in queue right ahead of me when I went to see The Devil Wears Prada, Anna went to school there an english equivalent for Velina? The point is, even without being partucularly rich or famous and living in completely different words it's practically impossible not to bump into them at one point ot another, and everyone knows everyone.
It stands to reason that the slash community should feel even smaller, but some times it still manage to surprise me, at least on LJ since, well, there are people from all over the world here, and that *shouldn't* still feel so small.
See, there is a publishing company in Italy (Kappa Edizioni) that's been working on shounen ai and slash friendly material for years.
One of their publications, Voci, was dedicated to Italian slashers, and I still remember buying one issue, a couple of years ago, and reading a beautiful story about Thebe's Sacred Band defeat at the hands of Alexander the Great.
I've been rereading my favourite Mary Renaut's novels lately, and in search of some good Alexander fanfics I've been going back through old entries at
Guess what I found?Yup, that very same story, translated in english. It's by
florachan, one of my favourite authors in the fandom.
And now
mistful is working on her book, and Cassandra Claire has already been published, and one of my favourite Snaco writers commented on one of my posts in a sharing community a couple of days ago, and the world feels so small and everything seems possible.