I wish I was a parselmouth...

Jun 13, 2006 09:01

Do you like snakes?

When I was little in the animal shop we always went to for my cat's food they used to keep all sorts of animal, including polecats (I swear! and somebody even brought them!), and of corse, snakes. A couple of time the shopkeeper couldn't resist my puppy-eyes and actually let me hold the smaller ones :)

They are cool to the touch, dry, can be smooth or a bit rough, but they always looked so calm, hissing softly and trying to get under my sleeves, homing on the warmth. 
I don't know where the fascination cames from, I loved cats and dogs as much as your average child, but they can be loud, especially when there's a roomful of puppies. Cats are a lot quieter, and I gues that's why I like them so much, but everytime we entered the shop the dogs would start barking and fussying, to the point they made me want to turn my back and get out again. 
I've always been overly sensitive to loud noises and unexpected movements, but the snakes justs looked peaceful and safe...which I guess can sound strange to a lot of people.

That's actually one of the first things that fascinated me about HP, the idea of being able to communicate with snakes, when everybody in book 2 was pointing at Harry yelling "snakes=evil, he talks to snakes, Harry= *Teh Evil!!*" I was like...uh? But that's cool!

Anyway, i hadn't thought about my snake obsession in a while, but this morning we found a nice surprise in our garden ...can you guess? 
There was this beautiful, light green and golden snake happily sunning itself on the stone path! 
It stayed there for about hal an hour, then decided to take a tour of the pond and a nap under the peonies.
 I can't find it now, and I was too excited at the moment to even conseder going back inside to take the camera, so I didn't get a picture, but it really was beautiful. You should have seen me, barely awake and still in my pjs trying my best *not* to do the the Snoopy dance and thus frighten the poor snake to death :p

The onlything I worry about's that it didn't look like any of the local snakes that should live around here, and with such a beautiful coloring it could very well have been someone's pet, it wouldn't be the first time that a snake escapes his cage or simply gets abbandoned,and that means it could be piosonous, or a protected species. 
For now I'm not letting my cat out of the house, for both of their sakes, and I'm gonna do a google search to find out exactly what it was. I really don't know what I'll do if it turns out it's poisonous :( Also, if it's not from Italy will it be able to survive in our climate? Yes, i'm a worrier, no news here. *pets snake*


And now some bad news.

One of my best friends is bulimic, but she seemed to have been getting better in the last year: she got herself help, she found a job, she was looking happier. She wasn't the first one in our fucked up little group to suffer from a eating disorder, but well...we tought the worse was past.

S's allright now, she's been allright for years. She's happy, and healty. 
After going trough that once we thought our little world safe, I guess.

Insted A. called me a couple of days ago and told me she was gonna be hospitalized. Just a couple of weeks, she said. And she's terrified to tell her mother, who thought, like us, that thigs were finally getting better. 
I'm worried, and angry, and I wish i could fucking *do* something to help. I want to roar and rip troaths out, just do something, anything. 
I want to craddle her and my arms and tell her everything's gonna be allright, but we've all seen that's not true, and won't be for a long time yet.

When S. was ill we were abot 13 years old, powerless and not able too completely understand whet was going on. She was so skinny it hurt to look at her, but most of the ugly details were kept from us. In the end we were just happy she was alive, if scarred.

Now we know, and we still can't do anything but being there, and I feel terribly young and scared again.


I did it! 
I finished my 50 J/S icons for slash_icons100 on time, no extensions! *is terribly proud of herself*

...allright, I was about 2 hours late, but that's the closes thing to being on time you'll ever get with me...


01-jealousy 02-desire 03-black and white 04-beautiful 05-touch

06-light 07-water 08-hope 09-gold 10-mising you

11-blue 12-comfort 13-shades of gray 14-truth 15-red

16-outside 17-lost 18-purple 19-smile 20-night

21-fight 22-hands 23-eyes 24-green 25-togheter

author's choice
01 02 03 04 05

06 07 08 09 10

11 12 13 14 15

16 17 18 19 20

21 22 23 24 25

lost, graphics, jawyer

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