Jan 08, 2005 21:26
Well since a lot of people have asked, yes i am depressed. I just feel so trapped like no one really understands what I am all about, sure i mean that may sound like the whole, teenager thing but im really serious no one understands that i am the way i am for a reason, like the whole i like tattoos or no boyfriends. Also i have relized that im incapble of having a realtionship (like a boyfriend right now i relized that Chris
(yes Orsini)really had an effect on me, like if a guy says he loves me then I automaticaly don't want a reltionship with him. All i want now is just a good good guy friend that will comfort me when im sad, and kiss the top of my head or my forehead to show the care for me, but not like as a boyfriend, but more like a big brother. Also i know that some of my so called friends only are my friends because they either want something from me or they are afraid of me. My grades are slipping because i just don't have the motavation to try anymore, I PUT ON SUCH A FAKE FACE AT SCHOOL, but no one notices sure i may act happy on the outside but no one reizles just how much im hurting on the inside. I can't tell you how many times i have gone to the bathroom just to cry.
and i don't really think anyone in my grade thinks im very pretty which is fine by me, but i guess it hurts a little, there are a lot of people that say they know me but they really don't, and i feel bad for making it seem like im such a awesome person and that i have got my whole life undercontrol, but its slowly slipping from my grasp. Like my journal icon the Quote says: That which yeilds is not always weak, well thats pretty much me, no one relizes how much i have actually been through there are only like 4 or 5 people that know. And i wish i could tell everyone but i just can't. And then i also got a call today which really upset me, but i can't post it so yeah. if you wana know ask me. Thanks for reading this.
I have almost everyone one the symptoms so here they are: You have difficulty sleeping (very restless sleep) You feel irritable or angry more than usual.You feel you have no confidence, You feel a burden to others., You don't want to see people or are scared to be left alone. Social activity may feel hard or impossible.,You feel miserable and sad.
You feel exhausted a lot of the time with no energy, cry spells, change in eating habits