Well to each his own ;) The only het I've ever read willingly is Pansy/Ron, but I can see how D/Hr would work: there's conflict and angst potential, but they also have a few things in common -at least in my mind Draco is a good student, very interested in history, competitive, refined and slightly neurotic (just like our Hermione :). I can see that pairing's potential because of the same reasons I see Harry/Draco, Pansy/Ron or Draco/Snape as interesting.
Alas, I'm a slash girl thrugh and through, and a bit of a Draco slut ^//^ My OTPs are H/D and Snaco, but I also like him paired with Charlie, Bill, Dean, Sirius or Remus(not Ron, but that's because I'm kinda allergic to him when he's not with Pansy. And not with Ginny. Pretty please. I can't stand her.)
Anyway, all this was to say: good shipping choice and glad you liked the mix -even if it was about the wrong pairing!
PS If you haven't read it already you should try Draco Malfoy the Amazing bouncing...Rat?: it's D/Hr, it's by Maya (aka mistful here on LJ, and my fav author in this whole fandom. She usually writes slash, but she deos a great job on the het too.), it's hilarious and totally squee whorty. /fangirling
I'm not really a slash girl... well, if it's well-written or looks interesting, I'll have a read, but none of my favorite pairings are slash. We-ell... H/D is interesting, but I've never gotten too involved in it. And I actually love Ginny... especially with Draco. [Trust me, I can't get enough of that Malfoy!]
Nope, the story is Draco/Hermione that's why I recced it! I should have made it clearer, but I start fangirling and stop using my brain every time a fic of Maya is invlved. Unfortunately it's the only long het!fic she's written, the others are all slash :)
Poor JKR, she did her best to make him a jerk but Draco is just irresisitible.
Nope, I wasn't referring to the story, I just meant in general. I love it, and I'm cackling so much at Seamus' Prozac use that my parents are probably going to think I've gone mental. This Maya had better start writing more D/Hr. ^_^
Sorry, sometimes I still mess up while reading in english and completely miss the point ^//^
I knew you'd like this story, I always laugh like crazy when I read it (the prozac is one of my fav bits, along with Draco's coffeine addiction). She's written some het one-shots also, but I only remember a Ron/Pansy one...and if you're in the mood for a laugh go to her journal and look up her book reviews, featuring lines like: "Oooh it's the tragic cherry on my woe cake!" and "Heatcliff: So I practice incestuous necrophilia. Don't be a hater." That woman is pure crack :D
The only het I've ever read willingly is Pansy/Ron, but I can see how D/Hr would work: there's conflict and angst potential, but they also have a few things in common -at least in my mind Draco is a good student, very interested in history, competitive, refined and slightly neurotic (just like our Hermione :).
I can see that pairing's potential because of the same reasons I see Harry/Draco, Pansy/Ron or Draco/Snape as interesting.
Alas, I'm a slash girl thrugh and through, and a bit of a Draco slut ^//^
My OTPs are H/D and Snaco, but I also like him paired with Charlie, Bill, Dean, Sirius or Remus(not Ron, but that's because I'm kinda allergic to him when he's not with Pansy. And not with Ginny. Pretty please. I can't stand her.)
Anyway, all this was to say: good shipping choice and glad you liked the mix -even if it was about the wrong pairing!
PS If you haven't read it already you should try Draco Malfoy the Amazing bouncing...Rat?: it's D/Hr, it's by Maya (aka mistful here on LJ, and my fav author in this whole fandom. She usually writes slash, but she deos a great job on the het too.), it's hilarious and totally squee whorty.
I'm not really a slash girl... well, if it's well-written or looks interesting, I'll have a read, but none of my favorite pairings are slash. We-ell... H/D is interesting, but I've never gotten too involved in it. And I actually love Ginny... especially with Draco. [Trust me, I can't get enough of that Malfoy!]
Poor JKR, she did her best to make him a jerk but Draco is just irresisitible.
I knew you'd like this story, I always laugh like crazy when I read it (the prozac is one of my fav bits, along with Draco's coffeine addiction). She's written some het one-shots also, but I only remember a Ron/Pansy one...and if you're in the mood for a laugh go to her journal and look up her book reviews, featuring lines like: "Oooh it's the tragic cherry on my woe cake!" and "Heatcliff: So I practice incestuous necrophilia. Don't be a hater." That woman is pure crack :D
I really hope she writes some more D/Hr. I love her writing and I love the pairing, so, well...!
It is hysterical...!
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