Where: Somewhere by the well
When: Evening
Who: Soundwave and Trevor
What: Two creepers engage in a creep-off
Warnings: Spying and creeping, what else?
Over the course of his time in the city, it appeared his goal of making this place into New Bregna appeared more and more vague, abstract. So many who proved stubborn, unwilling to cooperate. So many more powerful than him, abilities rivaling the Demiurge. The fiasco with Optimus and Aisling showed that. Obviously taking these people back to his compound to dissect the source of their abilities wouldn't do jack-squat. No, he needed to change tactics. He needed to observe them in their natural environment, learn from them, secretly. And the Cybertonians were just the kind to test his new tactics.
And who else to learn from other than Soundwave? That silent, cold elusiveness just challenged him. His mannerisms were remarkably similar to those Monicans--always with a hidden agenda. Of course, Trevor had his own agenda, but it never prevented him from prying into other's business...
Quietly, a floating metallic orb scooted through the air to the well. He would silently take information from the Decepticon as he did whatever it was he did at this hour. Through enlightenment comes true power and that power would come to Trevor Goodchild...